Burroughs Manuals
The Burroughs Magazine
Books by others
Burroughs also published many books which were intended for advertising and promotion. Those books are not included on this page, but can be found in the Advertisements, brochures, and sales leaflets section of the main Burroughs page.
Burroughs Symbol Book and Instructions for operating, oiling and adjusting the Burroughs Adding & Listing Machine
(PDF, 35.2 MB or archive.org)
Burroughs Adding Machine Company
65 page stapled booklet
152mm × 229mm × 5mm
This booklet is a basic service manual for the Burroughs Adding Machine. It has
no copyright year, but mentions the former company name so must be from shortly
after the company's name change of 1904.
It describes some minor servicing tasks such as oiling, and has a complete parts
list of the machine with several illustrations. The part numbers are split in
blocks of 100, each block reserved for a particular section of the machine:
Section 100: Rear shaft and its connections (connects handle and register)
Section 200: Keyboard and its connections
Section 300: Operating lever and its connections
Section 400: Carrying mechanism
Section 500: Ink ribbon feed mechanism
Section 600: Centre shaft and its connections (type at rear, notched arms driving register)
Section 700: Printing mechanism for striking type
Section 800: Main operating section, near base centre (includes dash pot for controlling speed of the machine)
Section 900: Accumulator
Section 1000: Base and sides
Section 1100: Extends Section 100 in No. 3 machines
Section 1500: 10¼-inch printing carriage of No. 3 machine
Burroughs Mechanical Instruction Book
Burroughs Adding Machine Company; Detroit, Michigan, U.S.A.
Copyright 1907
146 page book
152mm × 228mm × 7mm
Form 45A
This book is an updated, expanded, and more in-depth version of the Burroughs Symbol Book above. It seems to be intended for Burroughs machine inspectors, and contains illustrations of all the parts of the Burroughs adding-listing machines, with their part numbers, and brief instructions on how to replace them. The part numbers are still split in blocks of 100, each block reserved for a particular section of the machine and its optional attachments:
Section 100: Rear shaft and its connections (connects handle and register)
Section 200: Keyboard and its connections
Section 300: Operating lever and its connections
Section 400: Carrying mechanism
Section 500: Ribbon feed mechanism
Section 600: Centre shaft and its connections (type at rear, notched arms driving register)
Section 700: Mechanism for striking type
Section 800: Section near base centre (includes dash pot for controlling speed of the machine)
Section 900: Accumulator
Section 1000: Base and sides
Section 1200: Clear signal
Section 1300: Spit and normal device
Section 1400: Interlock between total button and operating handle
Section 1500: 10¼-inch printing carriage
Section 1600: Item counter
Section 1700: 12¼-inch positive feed carriage
Section 2000: Metal tube stand
Handbook of Instruction for Operators of the Burroughs Calculating Machine Non-Listing
Burroughs Adding Machine Company; Detroit, Michigan, U.S.A.
Copyright 1911
96 page book
132mm × 197mm × 6mm
Form 1111A
This is a user manual for the Burroughs Calculator (shoebox model). It covers the four basic arithmetic operations, fractions, discounts, interest, British currency, as well as basic maintenance. It also describes some other Burroughs machines, and lists all the Burroughs offices in the US and Canada.
Handbook of Instruction for Operators of the Burroughs Adding and Listing Machines
Burroughs Adding Machine Company; Detroit, Michigan, U.S.A.
Copyright 1911
96 page book
132mm × 196mm × 7mm
This is a user manual for the Burroughs Adding Listing machines. It covers the installation, basic operation, and care of the machine, as well as subtraction, multiplication, division, invoices, discounts, and interest calculations. It also lists the available models, and all the Burroughs offices in the US and Canada.
Handbok och instruktion för användningen af Burroughs Själfskrifvande additionsmaskin
Alex Wibel, Stockholm
Copyright 1913
80 page book
133mm × 207mm × 5mm
This is the Swedish version of the user manual for Burroughs Adding Listing machines. It covers most of the same topics. The list of available models now also includes the Burroughs-Pike machine and the Burroughs Calculator (shoebox model). At the end there are 9 pages listing all the companies in Sweden who use Burroughs machines and how many they have.
Manual de Instrucciones para los que manejan las Maquinas Burroughs de Sumar y Hacer Listas (PDF, 12.6 MB or archive.org)
Burroughs Adding Machine Company; Detroit, Michigan, E.U.A.
Copyright 1911
32 page stapled booklet
135mm × 198mm × 4mm
This is the Spanish version of the user manual for Burroughs Adding Listing machines. It is much reduced in length compared to the English version, covering only the basics of installation and use. The last page lists some Burroughs offices around the world.
Gebrauchsanweisung für die Burroughs Rechenmaschine Klasse 500 (nicht schreibend)
57 page book
137mm × 203mm × 5mm
This is the German version of the user manual for Burroughs Calculator (shoebox model). It is slightly slimmer than the version above, but covers the same topics. It does not have a list of available models at the back, nor a customer list. There are some additional pages pasted in (pages 48a, 34a, 34b) and the index page has two entries added at the bottom for these new pages. There is no copyright year, but there is a 1913 photo of the Burroughs factory.
Burroughs Calculating Machine Course Part One, 4th Edition
Burroughs Adding Machine Company, Detroit
Copyright 1923
96 page book
210mm × 274mm × 11mm
Form 271
This is a course book. It opens vertically, and the leaves are only printed on one side. There are 90 lessons and 5 examinations, each one on a single page. It is somewhat similar to the Comptometer Course in Business Arithmetic from a few years later. The code on the last page indicates it was printed in September 1924, though its copyright year is 1923.
Burroughs Instruction Book Class 2 Machines (PDF, 8.13 MB or archive.org)
Burroughs Adding Machine Company, Detroit
30 page stapled booklet
210mm × 274mm
Form 3702
This booklet is a training manual for how to repair and service the class 2 Burroughs adding machine. The staples have been removed and the pages perforated so they could be stored in a binder. Unfortunately the 16 pages in the middle have gone missing.
Burroughs Instruction Book Class 3 Machines (PDF, 19.3 MB or archive.org)
Burroughs Adding Machine Company, Detroit
32 page stapled booklet
190mm × 254mm
Form 3714
This booklet is a training manual for how to repair and service the class 3 Burroughs adding machine. The staples have been removed and the pages perforated so they could be stored in a binder. It is in very poor condition, especially the cover page, but complete.
Instructions for Operating the Burroughs Calculator (PDF, 10.8 MB or archive.org)
Burroughs Adding Machine Company
Copyright 1928
31 page stapled booklet
213mm × 273mm × 3mm
Form 1-78-5
This booklet is a manual for the Burroughs Calculator. It explains how to do the four basic arithmetic operations, as well as a few other things such as prorating and lumber calculations. The code on the back cover suggests that it was printed in November 1928.
Instructions for Operating the Burroughs Calculator (PDF, 26.0 MB or archive.org)
Burroughs Adding Machine Company
Copyright 1943
36 page stapled booklet
213mm × 273mm × 3mm
Form C 2027
This is the 1943 edition of the instruction manual above. It has expanded a little to include a nice overview of all versions of the Burroughs Calculator. It explains how to do the four basic arithmetic operations, and briefly mentions how to use the Duplex calculator. The code on the back cover suggests that it was printed in March 1945.
Instructions pour utiliser la Burroughs Calculator (PDF, 19.4 MB or archive.org)
Société Anonyme Burroughs
Copyright 1929
31 page stapled booklet
218mm × 274mm × 3mm
This booklet is the French version of the manual for the Burroughs Calculator. It explains how to do the four basic arithmetic operations, calculate interest, reciprocals, and percentages.
Manual of Instruction for the Burroughs Calculator
Burroughs Adding Machine Company; Detroit, Michigan, U.S.A.
Copyright 1929
254 page comb bound book
222mm × 288mm × 22mm
Form 505
This is a course book for the Burroughs Calculator. It is very similar to Felt &
Tarrant's The Comptometer Course in Business Arithmetic in size and scope, and
also opens vertically. The pages with exam questions are perforated, allowing them to
be removed and handed in for marking. It has 254 pages covering 226 lessons.
Although its copyright year is 1929, it seems that the pages listing the
available calculator models are from about 1934-1936.
Answer Book to Manual of Instruction for Burroughs Calculator (PDF, 27.3 MB or archive.org)
Burroughs Adding Machine Company; Detroit, Michigan, U.S.A.
Printed May 1941
40 page stapled book
214mm × 278mm × 3mm
This book contains the answers for all the lessons in the Manual of Instruction for the Burroughs Calculator above. It has no copyright year, but according to the code number on the back cover it was printed in May 1941. The original owner has written their name ("Ruth Royer") on the front and on the side.
Practice Problems and Calculation Short Cuts Burroughs Electric Two-Total Calculator
Burroughs Corporation; Detroit, Michigan
Printed April 1954
72 page comb-bound book
219mm × 280mm × 5mm
This book consists of two parts - 16 pages with Practice problems, followed by 50 pages of calculation short cuts. There are a few pages with adverts in between.
The company magazine was called The Burroughs. It appeared monthly from January 1910 but it is unclear how long it lasted.
The Burroughs
Burroughs Adding Machine Company; Detroit, Michigan
January 1910 - September 1910
Bound volume of magazines
178mm × 253mm × 27mm
This bound volume contains the first 8 issues of The Burroughs, from January to September 1910 (There was no August issue). The pages are numbered consecutively 1 to 240, about 30 pages per issue. It is likely that there were no further issues until the magazine was relaunched 3 years later.
The Burroughs A Newspaper For Burroughs People Everywhere
Burroughs Adding Machine Company; Detroit, Michigan
Bound volume of magazines
September 1913-September 1915
235mm × 282mm × 28mm
This bound volume contains 24 issues of The Burroughs. The first is issue 1 volume 1 from September 1913, so it seems that this is a relaunch of the magazine. The last is issue 12 volume 2 from September 1915.
Like Felt & Tarrant, Burroughs also printed several small tables to help the operator with common calculations. Such tables were usually printed on thick cardboard for durability.
Calculating Short Cuts (PDF, 11.7 MB)
Burroughs Adding Machine Ltd.
12 page stapled booklet
219mm × 242mm × 3mm
This booklet opens vertically, and contains a set of tables for use with the calculator. These tables were also available separately on cardboard. There is no copyright year, but on the corner of the first page someone has pencilled the date 5/4/40, so presumably it was first acquired then, although it may well have been printed 10 years earlier. It was produced by the British branch of the Burroughs Adding Machine Company.
Decimal Equivalent Tables for Calculator Machine Operators
Burroughs Calculator Division, Burroughs Adding Machine Company
54 page ringbound book
225mm × 279mm × 10mm
This is a ringbound collection of tables. The size, colour, and thickness of the
cardboard varies - some are on thick yellow cardboard while others are on sturdy
white paper; some fold out, while others are half the size of the cover. Some
also have additional perforations different to that used by the ring binding.
It is clear that most of these tables were available separately. The cover is
quite badly torn, because it is much thinner paper than that of most of the tables
themselves, and it has the name "Nellie Erhardt" written on it.
Included is an envelope containing some narrow tables that fit in the area
to the left of the keyboard of the calculator, as well as a divider strip to
split the keyboard into two regions.
Here is a list of all the tables in this collection with their form numbers:
C 1019 Decimal Equivalents of Fractional Parts of a Gallon (for on keyboard)
C 1021 Net Amount after Discounts
C 1022 Decimal Equivalents of Fractional Parts of a Gross
C 1023 Reciprocals, or Multiplying Equivalents for Dividing
C 1025 Decimal Equivalents of Common Fractions (for on keyboard)
C 1027 Computing Interest, 360 days per year
C 1028 Turnover Table
C 1030 Chain Discounts
C 1031 Decimal Equivalents of Common Fractions
C 1032 Mark-up Table
C 1033 Months and Days Expressed in Decimal Equivalents of a Year, 360 days per year
C 1034 Grain Tables - Reducing Pounds to Decimal Parts of a Bushel
C 1035 Payroll Tale
C 1036 Reciprocals of hours
C 1037 Overtime Earnings Table
C 1048 Decimal Equivalents of 12ths, 24ths, 48ths; 13ths, 26ths, 52nds.
C 1049 Decimal Equivalents of Common Fractions (for on keyboard)
C 1050 Calculator Column Divider
C 1051 Oats - Prices per Cwt.
C 1052 Unit Cost and Seling Price Tables
C 1054 Daily Overtime Earnings Table
C 1059 Decimal Equivalents for Fractional Parts of a Gross Ton
C 1063 Lumber Table
C 1071 Corn, Rye, or Flax - Prices per Cwt.
C 1072 Wheat - Prices per Cwt.
C 1073 Computing Interest, 365 days per year
C 1078 Overtime Earnings Table
C 1081 Decimal of a Pound Sterling for Shillings and Pence
Decimal Equivalent Charts
Burroughs Adding Machine Company
Envelope with loose tables
282mm × 223mm × 6mm
This envelope contains a collection of loose tables. The size of the tables varies - some are so large that they fold out. Some also have perforations for storing in a binder. It is clear that most of these tables were available separately. The envelope has the name "Nola McKenzie" written on it.
Here is a list of all the tables in this collection with their form numbers:
C 4051 Fixed Decimal Point Multiplication
C 4052 Discount
C 4053 Mixed Item Extensions Requiring Division
C 1022 Decimal Equivalents of Fractional Parts of a Gross
C 1031 Decimal Equivalents of Common Fractions
C 1034 Grain Tables - Reducing Pounds to Decimal Parts of a Bushel
C 1037 Overtime Earnings Table
C 1048 Decimal Equivalents of 12ths, 24ths, 48ths; 13ths, 26ths, 52nds.
C 1051 Oats - Prices per Cwt.
C 1063 Lumber Table
C 1071 Corn, Rye, or Flax - Prices per Cwt.
C 1072 Wheat - Prices per Cwt.
C 1078 Overtime Earnings Table
C 1118 Reciprocals of Hours in Tenths of Hours
C 1147 Withholding Tax Table - Biweekly, Monthly
C 1146 Withholding Tax Table - Weekly, Semimonthly
TA 1041 Temperature Correlation Table for Petroleum Oils
Decimal Equivalents of Common Fractions A useful chart issued for the convenience of operators of Burroughs Calculators.
Burroughs Adding Machine Ltd.
Form 3853-1
216mm × 229mm
This card has no copyright year, but the 1.29 after the form number suggests it was printed in January 1929. It was produced by the British branch of the Burroughs company.
Decimal Equivalents of a Gross
Burroughs Adding Machine Ltd.
Form 3853-3
216mm × 229mm
This card has no copyright year, but the 12.25 after the form number suggests it was printed in December 1925. It was produced by the British branch of the Burroughs company.
Pence and 1/8 and 1/16 as Decimals of a £
Burroughs Adding Machine Ltd.
Form 3853-10
216mm × 229mm
This card has no copyright year, but the 12.25 after the form number suggests it was printed in December 1925. It was produced by the British branch of the Burroughs company.
Quarters and Pounds as Decimal Equivalents of One Cwt.
Burroughs Adding Machine Ltd.
Form 3853-6
216mm × 229mm
This card has no copyright year, but the 12.25 after the form number suggests it was printed in December 1925. It was produced by the British branch of the Burroughs company.
Quarters and Pounds as Decimal Equivalents of a Ton
Burroughs Adding Machine Ltd.
Form 3853-4
216mm × 229mm
This card has no copyright year, but the 10.26 after the form number suggests it was printed in October 1926. It was produced by the British branch of the Burroughs company.
Office Machine Practice Series No. 2, The Burroughs Calculator (PDF, 30.0 MB or archive.org)
By C. H. Katenkamp
Published by Gregg Publishing Company
Copyright 1931
94 page stapled book
142mm × 204mm × 5mm
Chester Katenkamp wrote a series of Office Machine Practice booklets, of which this
is the one for the Burroughs calculator. Others include the Comptometer, the Monroe
calculator, and the Sundstrand machine. It is essentially a manual and course, explaining
the four arithmetic operations an providing practice exercises. It also has sections on
handling fractions and decimal points.
This book is in good condition, partly because the centre pages have been strengthened
with tape along the spine to prevent the staples from tearing through, and similarly there
is tape along the spine on the outside of the cover. There were pencil marks inside but
I was able to mostly erase them.
Comptometer Course
By Madge Warner
Published by Wilson's Modern Business College, 2003 Fifth Avenue, Seattle, Washington.
Copyright 1937
58 page staple bound book
228mm × 288mm × 8mm
As the Burroughs Calculator and the Comptometer are so similar, there were many third party
course books such as this one that deal with both at the same time. It is similar to the
Manual of Instruction course book above, also opens vertically,
but is printed on only one side. It has 54 pages covering 51 lessons, but there are also 4
loose pages inserted at the back covering lesson 117.
The front of this course book has been signed with the student's name, Eileen Powell.
How to Use the Calculator and the Comptometer (PDF, 50.1 MB or archive.org)
By James R. Meehan
Published by Gregg Publishing Division, McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc.
Copyright 1940, 1947, 1952
Third Edition
128 page stapled book
217mm × 280mm × 7mm
This is another course book for both the Comptometer and the Burroughs Calculator. It consists of 40 lessons, with an emphasis on addition, but also covers subtraction, multiplication and division. Its pages have perforations, so that when the answers to an exercise are filled in, it can be torn out and handed in to the teacher. This may make this book somewhat rare to find despite having been very widely used. There were five editions - 1940, 1947, 1952 (shown here), 1959, and 1964.
Key-Driven Calculator Course
By Raymond Charles Goodfellow and Peter Lawrence Agnew
Published by South-Western Publishing Company
Copyright 1942
Second Edition
167 page book
213mm × 272mm × 9mm
This is also a course book for both the Comptometer and the Burroughs Calculator, and it contains 59 jobs. As with Meehan's book above, its pages are designed to be filled in and torn out as they have perforations near the spine, and this may make it somewhat rare to find this book intact. Shown here is the second edition from 1942, but the 1949 third edition follows below.
Key-Driven Calculator Course for the Burroughs Calculator and Comptometer
By Raymond Charles Goodfellow and Peter Lawrence Agnew
Published by South-Western Publishing Company
Copyright 1949
Third Edition
158 page ringbound book
281mm × 210mm × 8mm
This third edition has virtually the same contents as the second edition above, but it is laid out differently because the book is now spiral bound and of a different format. Each page page has a vertical perforation at about one third of the way along. The inner third of the page contains an explanation of a job, and the detachable two-thirds has the job itself with spaces where the answers can be filled in. There was a fourth edition of this book in 1962, and also a sequel, the "Advanced Key-Driven Calculator Course" by Peter Lawrence Agnew and Mary Margaret Brady in 1958.
© Copyright 2016-2023 Jaap Scherphuis, mechcalc a t jaapsch d o t net.