Jaap's Puzzle Page

Jaap's Puzzle Page Guestbook, Archive 5

Post:   499
Date:   Wed, 12 Dec 2012 17:49:18 GMT
Your name:   steve waterman
Website:   hxxp://watermanpolyhedron.com/
Your comment:   Love the sphere applet. I wonder, instead of just a simple sphere, why not place different waterman sphere clusters?

Post:   498
Date:   Thu, 06 Dec 2012 19:57:38 GMT
Your name:   George Dvorak
Website:   hxxp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W6o-Zvx3eyE&list=UU1xtqw8yZOFhgINhipiiwRA&index=2
Your comment:   New gear puzzle ! AMAZING ! Watch till the end , there is an inverted version. Thank you.

Post:   497
Date:   Thu, 06 Dec 2012 07:38:16 GMT
Your name:   jaap
Website:   hxxp://www.jaapsch.net/puzzles/
Your comment:   Thanks Bruce,
You are right. I fixed it now.

Post:   496
Date:   Wed, 28 Nov 2012 02:40:51 GMT
Your name:   Bruce MacKenzie
Website:   hxxp://b.mackenzie.home.insightbb.com/
Your comment:   Jaap,

I have found your web site very helpful over the years. Good job.

On reviewing your latest update I believe the figure you give for the number of void cube positions is off by a factor of two. Wouldn't the symmetry factor be 1/24 rather than 1/12?

Post:   495
Date:   Tue, 23 Oct 2012 23:10:53 GMT
Your name:   les shader
Your comment:   Finally someone is playing LO ON A GRAPH THE THREE NEW PUZZLES IN THE SHARED . . FILE ARR VERY NICE Can we talk? Les shader

Post:   494
Date:   Fri, 12 Oct 2012 12:06:00 GMT
Your name:   拼板控
Website:   hxxp://www.jaapsch.net/puzzles/polysolver.htm
Your comment:   伟大的程序 !
感谢 !

Post:   493
Date:   Sun, 07 Oct 2012 19:09:36 GMT
Your name:   Andy
Your comment:   Thanks for the ORB page. Mine (US version) is slightly different than pictured, having green & blue at poles and red/yellow at tropics of cancer/capricorn.

Post:   492
Date:   Wed, 03 Oct 2012 06:10:57 GMT
Your name:   Les Shader
Your comment:   Mark,I would like to talk with you, .Les Shader

Post:   491
Date:   Wed, 03 Oct 2012 01:36:49 GMT
Your name:   L. Martin
Your comment:   I've hung onto mine except I haven't been able to find marbles that will fit.

Post:   490
Date:   Sun, 30 Sep 2012 10:21:00 GMT
Your name:   Mark
Your comment:   Thank you, this website saved my life after nearly committing suicide due to a horrible polyomino puzzle.

Post:   489
Date:   Thu, 20 Sep 2012 06:24:45 GMT
Your name:   Kimble
Your comment:   Great site. For what it's worth, my Mind Jewel has the same coloring (and solution) as yours.

Post:   488
Date:   Mon, 10 Sep 2012 11:32:44 GMT
Your name:   Dumi
Website:   hxxp://dako.ro/iball38
Your comment:   Hi,

After the success of iGlobe 38 (Hungarian Globe) I've created a free app for iPhone/iPad based on the Equator Ball, called iBall 38. Enjoy it!


Post:   487
Date:   Tue, 28 Aug 2012 04:08:40 GMT
Your name:   Brandon Enright
Website:   hxxp://www.brandonenright.net
Your comment:   I still use your page at least once a week. I have learned so much from your "articles" section and I also look at your number of positions calculations. There are two people that are an order of magnitude above everyone else. Oskar in his designs, and you in your mathematical approach.

One day I hope to be capable of reproducing your work. I remain skeptical that I will be able to exceed it.

Post:   486
Date:   Sun, 26 Aug 2012 10:56:31 GMT
Your name:   les
Your comment:   I am still looking for someone who has tried Jaap's LO on a graph

Post:   485
Date:   Sat, 25 Aug 2012 22:25:28 GMT
Your name:   msjade
Your comment:   where can you find Babylon Tower

Post:   484
Date:   Sat, 25 Aug 2012 11:40:57 GMT
Your name:   RAY

Post:   483
Date:   Wed, 22 Aug 2012 15:55:36 GMT
Your name:   jaap
Website:   hxxp://www.jaapsch.net/puzzles/
Your comment:   Hi Michael,

I just checked 5.c.2, and it does what it is supposed to do for me, which is to swap the two front edges in the u layer, without disturbing the corners or other edges.

It is quite easy to make a mistake with the clockwise/anti-clockwise directions on the u and d layers. For example the d u' near the start of the move sequence moves both layers towards the right


Post:   482
Date:   Wed, 22 Aug 2012 12:43:49 GMT
Your name:   Michael Padgett
Your comment:   Are the algorithms for the first solution to the 5x5x5 rubiks cube correct? I seem to be having problems with the algorithms working after phase 5, specifically, the algorithm in step C.2.

Post:   481
Date:   Thu, 16 Aug 2012 17:25:40 GMT
Your name:   Garet Thomas
Your comment:   On the last side of my Megaminx only one of my side pieces "IS" upsidedown

Post:   480
Date:   Sun, 17 Jun 2012 03:25:24 GMT
Your name:   Les Shader
Your comment:   CHRIS HAVE YOU TRIED "LO ON A GRAPH" I would like ttto hear from you. Les

Post:   479
Date:   Sat, 16 Jun 2012 15:09:04 GMT
Your name:   Rick
Your comment:   Hello. Thanks to this wonderfull site, I was able to understand the Peter's Black hole puzzle. However the 2nd algoritm first line seems to be incorrect. I would love for it to be correct :) Keep it up!

Post:   478
Date:   Fri, 15 Jun 2012 17:11:03 GMT
Your name:   chris
Your comment:   Hejjo, thank you for compiling the great resource on the light's out game variations!

I have a question which has to do with the variations on states of the lights: for instance you have modulo 2 (with relation to the quiet pattern solvability test) when the states are parity , modulo 3 for when there are three states (off, green, red). Going further than that, would a states=4 be modulo 4 states=5 =mod5 ... states=N= mod N? Would that be true for all real N?

Thanks for any input!

Post:   477
Date:   Wed, 06 Jun 2012 20:43:24 GMT
Your name:   leslie e. shader
Your comment:   Has anyone tried lo on a graph? Les

Post:   476
Date:   Tue, 05 Jun 2012 13:38:40 GMT
Your name:   Jon Winslow
Your comment:   Ive been trying to find the "Circus Puzzler" does anyone know where I can find one?

Post:   475
Date:   Wed, 02 May 2012 01:56:29 GMT
Your name:   Axle Crew
Your comment:   thanks to your site..i just solved my Triple Cross puzzle in a minute!:))

Post:   474
Date:   Thu, 12 Apr 2012 12:38:55 GMT
Your name:   Chae Ji-Seok
Your comment:   Hi, this is Chae Ji-Seok from South Korea.
I started using your PolyApplet from yesterday, and it is really a great program!
Thanks for programming!

Post:   473
Date:   Sun, 08 Apr 2012 12:49:32 GMT
Your name:   Simon
Your comment:   hi i have found a wooden board game lile this made by robinsons can anyone tell me about this please

Post:   472
Date:   Sat, 07 Apr 2012 22:47:00 GMT
Your name:   albert eckhardt
Your comment:   Als uitvinder van de Frustr8tor, the amazing braingame, vind ik Jaap's Puzzel Pagina een prachtige website en een must voor elke puzzelaar. Niet alleen wordt de braingame op een boeiende wijze uitgelegd, maar kunnen de 200.000 spelers daarop ook nog eens hun gevonden oplossing visueel controleren. Fantastisch. In 2012 komt de nieuwe versie van de Frustr8tor uit, waarin ook het nieuwe spelelement Barricade, waarvan de opgaven nog pittiger zijn.
Jaap hartelijk dank!

Post:   471
Date:   Wed, 04 Apr 2012 11:49:13 GMT
Your name:   Dan B.
Your comment:   A mind-blowing treasure trove; appreciate your work.

Post:   470
Date:   Sat, 31 Mar 2012 08:26:53 GMT
Your name:   George Dvorak
Website:   hxxp://inzane-thingz.euweb.cz/index.html
Your comment:   Rotary engine puzzle is shown on YouTube.
Very interesting puzzle concept.

Post:   469
Date:   Thu, 29 Mar 2012 15:51:14 GMT
Your name:   Cliff
Website:   hxxp://www.jaapsch.net/
Your comment:   Sorry, I don't run a web site so I put your URL in hoping it would clear.

In 1981, I lived in Southern California and had a Polish-American friend who owned a busy Polish Deli and Sandwich Shop in the campus of a modest sized medical centre. This man was CRAZY about the Rubik's Cube. I saw a modified Cube for sale called the Polish Cube, whose stickers were all white. This was an oblique reference to the now taboo Polish Jokes which portrayed Polish people the same way that Blonde Jokes today portray blonde-haired women. My friend not only took Polish Jokes in stride, he was himself a large repository of these jokes. I purchased for him a Polish Cube and my friend laughed and laughed. He then displayed the Polish Cube, still in its package, in a prominent spot by the cash register of his deli.

Post:   468
Date:   Wed, 28 Mar 2012 23:19:00 GMT
Your name:   Diana Bruce
Website:   hxxp://www.squidoo.com/the-northern-california-coast
Your comment:   I am starting a squidoo lens on collections and was wondering if I could use your photo of your collection as my intro photo. If you take a look at the web page I listed as my URL, you'll see the format. I will of course site your photo as yours and refer your site as appropriate.

Post:   467
Date:   Tue, 20 Mar 2012 01:22:32 GMT
Your name:   William Kimberly
Your comment:   I'd like to use your javascript for the snake cube.
Please email me, so that I can tell you more and ask your blessing.

Post:   466
Date:   Fri, 09 Mar 2012 23:09:08 GMT
Your name:   Bertho
Website:   hxxp://www.vagrearg.org/?p=lightsout
Your comment:   Just for the fun of it, I made a version of the classic game without a microprocessor. Only 74xx logic gates and calculations in a shift-register. It got a second place in the 7400 logic competition (see dangerous prototypes and look for 7400 competition winners; links will not pass your filter).

Post:   465
Date:   Sun, 26 Feb 2012 12:49:58 GMT
Your name:   puzzler
Your comment:   There is now an 8x8x8 cube available from China Magic Cube.

Post:   464
Date:   Wed, 22 Feb 2012 21:08:05 GMT
Your name:   jaap
Website:   hxxp://www.jaapsch.net
Your comment:   Hi Cathy,
The text referring to Flexagons and your father are in the Cubic Circular, which is a magazine written by David Singmaster that I have merely reproduced here on my site. I do not have any original flexagons myself.
I will make a small correction to the text with regards to his hometown.

Post:   463
Date:   Wed, 22 Feb 2012 20:14:07 GMT
Your name:   cathy bassetti
Your comment:   hi- in a reference to Fred Bassetti and his 1960's design and patent of his educational set of Flexagons (so glad to see your post.. would like to hear more) - Fred is my father and he is from Seattle, WA, not Portland as mentioned. Did you say you still have an original set? If so, what does the box cover have on it? Just curious, as we as kids were on one or two of those covers. Cathy B.

Post:   462
Date:   Wed, 22 Feb 2012 14:11:50 GMT
Your name:   Jurgen
Your comment:   Sorry for my last post. Everything works. I just misinterpreted the description of the moves: D means clockwise when looking from the bottom. So I did the wrong directions in turning the D-side. Thanks again!

Post:   461
Date:   Wed, 22 Feb 2012 13:44:38 GMT
Your name:   Jurgen
Your comment:   Concerning Rubik' magic domino:

It seems to me that

1. Swap DBL and DBR. Do RF (D'FDR)2 D'.

is not working correctly. What should be the correct sequence? To swap DFL - DFR, I can do: (FDRD')2 (D'FDR)2 D. But this looks too complicated compared to your sequence offered above.
Anyway, thanks!

Post:   460
Date:   Tue, 21 Feb 2012 04:04:41 GMT
Your name:   Thai
Your comment:   Nice site. Thanks for the info.

Post:   459
Date:   Mon, 13 Feb 2012 07:16:52 GMT
Your name:   fasasa
Website:   hxxp://fasasaqq.com
Your comment:   CALCULATE the subgroups of the 3x3 cube. For example,

Post:   458
Date:   Tue, 07 Feb 2012 08:05:58 GMT
Your name:   z666zz666z
Your comment:   I have a physical Master Kilominx on my hands.

After some mixes and some solves...

I got into a situation i do not know how to solve.

I have all piezes on its place with correct orientation, except only two edges.

Such edges are on last layer, on both the orientation is correct, but they are permutatted.

In little words... i got two edges that must be swaped each other to go to a solve state... without rotating.

If i do last layer edges moves i can put such edges on consecutive edges and also on non consecutive edges.

What alg solve that? Please.

Remember it is a Master Kilominx, not a Megaminx... it is a 4x4.

Some people told me it is not possible and i can say it is possible since i have got to that on a physical one that was previously solved.

Thanks a lot for any help.

Post:   457
Date:   Tue, 24 Jan 2012 11:07:17 GMT
Your name:   coy
Your comment:   I cannot understand anything because i never studied english.

Post:   456
Date:   Sun, 22 Jan 2012 00:04:20 GMT
Your name:   White-Fangs
Your comment:   Thanks a lot for the help to resolve my Nintendo Billion Barrel but ironicaly, I tried to do the spiral suggested in the bottom of the page and destroy the whole figure ! Let's do it again without the help now ! ;)

Post:   455
Date:   Thu, 19 Jan 2012 17:23:44 GMT
Your name:   les shader
Your comment:   Answer to last question about "Instant insanity" No, just look at the possible opposite pairs for blocks 1 and .2

Post:   454
Date:   Thu, 19 Jan 2012 02:37:27 GMT
Your name:   Hippopotamus
Your comment:   for Instant Insanity as normal pattern.
Can we arrange all side with pure color?

Post:   453
Date:   Sun, 15 Jan 2012 15:17:42 GMT
Your name:   Jay Schenkoske
Your comment:   Thanks for the post on "the Orb". I had no clue what it was called. (And needed a little help with the solve). Your site rocks!

Post:   452
Date:   Tue, 10 Jan 2012 04:14:32 GMT
Your name:   Brett
Your comment:   hey cool site

Post:   451
Date:   Sat, 07 Jan 2012 12:18:32 GMT
Your name:   Somogyi Laszlo
Website:   hxxp://sodalitas.hu
Your comment:   Tahnk you, I just browsed for the Hungarian Rings. Congratulations.

Post:   450
Date:   Wed, 04 Jan 2012 21:29:51 GMT
Your name:   EMPEROR COW
Your comment:   i just wanted to say great job with this site .. its is both well organized an informative.. and it has been a great help ... keep up the great work .

Post:   449
Date:   Sat, 31 Dec 2011 11:56:17 GMT
Your name:   George Dvorak
Website:   hxxp://www.inzane-thingz.com
Your comment:   New Gear Box puzzle can be seen on YouTube

Post:   448
Date:   Fri, 30 Dec 2011 07:50:31 GMT
Your name:   Al
Your comment:   Nice site :-)
Thank you

Post:   447
Date:   Fri, 09 Dec 2011 09:39:15 GMT
Your name:   Laurie
Your comment:   I've recently started playing around with IZZI. Although I haven't solved all the patterns you list here, I came up with one that's NOT here. I call it a Double Diamond. It consists of a regular Diamond with a second inside it at the same distance as the Borders.

I was able to solve it with 1 minor flaw: just 1 section of the inner diamond is missing.

Has anybody else tried that and come up with a solution?

Post:   446
Date:   Thu, 08 Dec 2011 17:37:35 GMT
Your name:   leslie e. shader
Your comment:   LOTS OF NICE STUFF! I am still creating new "lights out" type puzzles with different grids and/or cell types. Currently I have more than 170 such puzzles with hand generated solution algorithms. Is someone interested in making them computer available?

Post:   445
Date:   Fri, 18 Nov 2011 01:00:30 GMT
Your name:   Phil
Your comment:   This site could be called wikiPuzzle, if it has the Latch Cube (and the solution).
Congratulations and keep the nice work.

Post:   444
Date:   Sat, 12 Nov 2011 17:17:10 GMT
Your name:   Rubiks Place
Website:   hxxp://www.rubiksplace.com
Your comment:   New Rubik's Cueb solution website!

Post:   443
Date:   Thu, 10 Nov 2011 18:43:40 GMT
Your name:   adubs
Your comment:   The lanlan gear cube has stickers on the inner non-center pieces making it a much harder puzzle than the mefferts gear cube. Can you post algs for this?

Post:   442
Date:   Mon, 07 Nov 2011 10:25:49 GMT
Your name:   Sylvaine
Website:   hxxp://www.choisir-sa-banque-en-ligne.com/banque/ouvrir-un-compte-banque.php
Your comment:   C'est un site très intéressant.
Bonne continuation

Post:   441
Date:   Mon, 31 Oct 2011 09:05:16 GMT
Your name:   Jaap
Website:   hxxp://www.jaapsch.net
Your comment:   To change void cube edge parity, the simplest way I know of is:
M2 U M U' M2
This does a 4-cycle of the U edges.
Unfortunately this does flip them all, so there may be a bit more work to do afterwards.

It is not possible to change edge parity on the megaminx. Swapping the 15 pairs of opposite edges is an odd permutation and therefore impossible.

Post:   440
Date:   Mon, 31 Oct 2011 07:24:25 GMT
Your name:   Patrick
Your comment:   Luis-- I have a solution for your 3x3 Void cube parity. Your first step is to get the swapped edges across from each other if they aren't already. Any simple PLL algs will shuffle your edges around well enough to put them across from each other.

Now, hold the cube with the last layer on top, and the swapped edges on the F and B faces. I can give you the solution in the form of one big long weird alg, and then I'll break it down into it's parts so you can see what's actually happening. From the above position, perform this:

M x' M U2 M' U2 F' U' F (M U')x4 F' U F

The first M moves the UB edge to UF, putting it into the correct place but incorrectly oriented.

Repositioning the cube places that edge DF.

The next alg, M U2 M' U2 cycles the other 3 three edges. This puts all 4 edges in the M layer in their correct places but all flipped.

F' U' F is simply a setup move so that the Superflip alg will flip the 4 edges.

(M U')x4 is the Superflip alg which will flip 4 edges; UL, UF, DF, and DB.

F' U F is simply the inverse of the setup move. Now your Void parity is fixed!


Post:   439
Date:   Mon, 24 Oct 2011 11:38:15 GMT
Your name:   Luis Lumbreras Picazo
Your comment:   I found i way to get into it, so solve is to apply the inverse.
It seems to be like Void Parity.

Just form a solved state do this:
R2 F U D' L' F2 R B2 L F' B D' F B R'

You will get into something very similar to what i was asking... but instead of TopFront and TopBack it is TopLeft and TopRight... just rotate the hole cube and done.

Now i am getting mad with Megaminx... i think it will not be possible to do...

I am trying to put all edges on its diagonal oposite (spherical diagonal) and all corners on their correct place...

I got till last two ones... i do not know how to swap to edges on a Megaminx last layer, neither if such is possible.

Can anyone help, please?

I am getting mad... any time i try i get into that situation.


Post:   438
Date:   Thu, 20 Oct 2011 14:29:27 GMT
Your name:   Dumitru
Website:   hxxp://www.dako.ro/iglobe38
Your comment:   Hi,

For those interested in these kind of puzzles - I have created an iPhone/iPad app called iGlobe 38 for Hungarian Globe.

Next step is to add a solver based on instructions found on this website.


Post:   437
Date:   Tue, 18 Oct 2011 12:23:59 GMT
Your name:   Luis Lumbreras Picazo
Your comment:   I need help with one strange state of a Rubik 3x3x3 holed...

I got into it very few times, but i do not know how to solve it...

Step by step:
-I have a Solved 3x3x3 holed cube
-I mix it randomly or as best i can
-I try to solve it

Very few times i get to this:
-Down face -> Correct, all same color
-Left face -> Correct, all same color
-Right face -> Correct, all same color
-Top, Front and Back faces -> Near Correct, but with two edges bad

In Top face, all colors are the same.
In Front face, all colors correct except one, the top egde
In Back face, all colors correct except one, the top egde

Well, in other words, with notation... i mus swap TF and TB to get to solved state, no cicle, no flip, just swap them, all the rest are in correct position with correct orientation.

I can not find anywhere an algoritm to do such swap.

Please remember it is a holed cube, since i have never goto to that on a non holed one... maybe it is only possible on a holed one!!!

I got to that very few times... and if i re-mix the holed cube and try to solve it again, most times i get it solved.

Now i am asking because with "PSP Rubik's Cube" i had also reach that state.

All colors are correct except TopFront and TopBack edges on Front and Back faces, on Top face all are of the same color.

Can any one help me?

Post:   436
Date:   Mon, 17 Oct 2011 13:23:09 GMT
Your name:   Luis Lumbreras Picazo
Your comment:   First i like your web, helps much to many people i know.

Now I have (among others):
RubiK: 3x3x3, 4x4x4 and 5x5x5
Minx: Megaminx and Gigaminx
Marusenko: Level 2 and Level 5

I want:
Master Kilominx

Note: I do not see some of them on your Graphical Overview web: indxgraf.htm

Post:   435
Date:   Sat, 15 Oct 2011 00:39:09 GMT
Your name:   Agent Cooper
Your comment:   Thanks for your help! Might need some revision in 3x3x4 phase 4. These are three-way rotations rather than straight swaps.

Post:   434
Date:   Sun, 25 Sep 2011 19:32:39 GMT
Your name:   youngson mushabati
Your comment:   you make scholarly data.

Post:   433
Date:   Sat, 24 Sep 2011 03:26:04 GMT
Your name:   Henry Hom
Your comment:   Very cool site... I hope this site has more things about nxnxn cube or the inside of the cube. For example a 5x5x5 cube should has 5+5+5=125 cubies, but in facts the inner 3+3+3 cubies are missing. Or if we use Cartesian coordinates in three dimensions, (2,2,2) should also be a "corner cubie"

Post:   432
Date:   Sat, 24 Sep 2011 00:26:57 GMT
Your name:   courtney downs
Website:   hxxp://www.rubikscube.host22.com/rubikscube/2homepage.html
Your comment:   this site have been very helpfull and ive learned some stuff that will help my cube site.

Post:   431
Date:   Thu, 15 Sep 2011 23:14:21 GMT
Your name:   Gregory Gracik
Your comment:   Thanks for the info . Very cool site

Post:   430
Date:   Tue, 13 Sep 2011 00:32:25 GMT
Your name:   Darian
Your comment:   Your polyform solver is amazing!
I've sent the link to several people that will be interested:
Gerard Putter
Thorleif Bungaard
Ishino Keiichiro
Kate Jones
Scott Kurowski
Dr. Köller already links here.

I am off to find anwwers to some of the polycube puzzles that I have not solved on my own.

Thanks again for your wonderful solver.

Post:   429
Date:   Mon, 05 Sep 2011 10:30:23 GMT
Your name:   stewie
Your comment:   amazing site! makes me want them ALL though!lol I'm just waiting to get a 'Fischer Cube' through the post as we speak! .. i don't think you have it on here though..?

Post:   428
Date:   Thu, 25 Aug 2011 16:18:30 GMT
Your name:   Charlie(charl104390
Your comment:   Ron Paul for President 2012!

It's about time for me to buy a new puzzle.

Post:   427
Date:   Mon, 15 Aug 2011 20:06:51 GMT
Your name:   Kevin Roberge
Website:   hxxp://www.kroberge.com
Your comment:   I've been a fan of your puzzle site for a long time and you've long been a role model for me. You've inspired me to always solve puzzles on my own (though originally I looked up the 3x3 solution). Thanks!

Post:   426
Date:   Wed, 06 Jul 2011 20:46:15 GMT
Your name:   Alan
Your comment:   So, even cartoon characters enjoy the Rubiks Cube. Elmer Fud has his signature move: FUDRUB FUDRUB FUDRUB FUDRUB FUDRUB FUDRUB FUDRUB FUDRUB FUDRUB FUDRUB FFFFFFUUUUUU...... and everything "comes" together. lol er sorry.....LMFAO!!!

Post:   425
Date:   Fri, 24 Jun 2011 12:00:58 GMT
Your name:   David
Your comment:   "To flip DF, DB, do FU'DR2U2D2L D2 L'D2U2R2D'UF' D2" works, but try this, is 4 fewer turns, and is easier to remember and easier on the hands:
C,B,C,B,C,B2 C-,B,C-,B,C-,B2

Post:   424
Date:   Thu, 16 Jun 2011 15:35:40 GMT
Your name:   A.Plowman
Your comment:   Gyrators? The vertical axis half way to one edge.

Post:   423
Date:   Wed, 15 Jun 2011 14:51:50 GMT
Your name:   Alan
Your comment:   I have discovered 5 "Jigsaw" type Rubik's puzzles. These are: Rubik's Royal Brainteaser, Rubik's Zigsaw, Cube Twister Rubik's Cube Jigsaw, Rubik's Magic Jigsaw, and Rubik's 3D Jigsaw (this one is the most unique because it is a jigsaw puzzle that looks like a Rubik's Cube when put together.) Are there any other Rubik's Jigsaw puzzles available? Thanks.

Post:   422
Date:   Tue, 14 Jun 2011 09:58:51 GMT
Your comment:   I can nearly always solve the classic "Erno's Cube"!Many thanks to Liam Lo, Tyson Moa, and the SPEED CUBING COMMUNITY ON YOUTUBE!!!My record is not so impressive, for experts, but can call myself a speed cuber, because my initial time was 12.5 min.Now 9 min!Cannot get the last 3 or 4 TOP LAYER PIECES "unflipped" all the time, although I know for sure that the cube hasn't been 'messed'with, why is this? Oh,yeah, My uncle said that TALCON POWDER IS JUST AS GOOD FOR LUBRICATION OF THE CUBE AS SILLICON AND TEFLON, WHY DO I ONLY SEE YOUTUBE CLIPS WITH NEVER TALCON POWDER AS ALTERNATIVE LUBRICANT?PLEASE GIVE ME TIPS ON HOW TO SOLVE THE CUBE FASTER AND IS THE 'GOD #20 METHOD REALLY THE FASTEST WAY....? YOURS, SINCERELY GEORGE FROM HOLLAND.

Post:   421
Date:   Mon, 13 Jun 2011 14:50:47 GMT
Your name:   Tom
Website:   hxxp://www.compulated.info/shapes_generate.htm
Your comment:   Hi,

I just read the basic mathematics page, and I understood most of it quite well (my education was a while ago..).

Now I would like to adapt the solution method of the inversion matrix to a similar type of puzzle. I made a javascript implementation of it on the page linked above.

The idea is that you are given a board, and some shapes, and you have to discover where the shapes should be placed, to get the board to the empty (white) condition.

The game is similar to Lights Out in that the order of the shapes you place, doesn't matter.

I would like to find a solution method for the puzzle, without resorting to brute forcing. I cannot simply copy your idea about the click matrix though, because: a shape must be on the matrix fully, and you can only place a shape once (while the lights out "shape" is repeated).

Do you have an idea on how this could be handled? Maybe a paper to someone who's done something similar?

Post:   420
Date:   Sun, 12 Jun 2011 14:36:08 GMT
Your name:   A.Plowman
Your comment:   There is a simple Dode missed.Equators of lines between adjacent edge centres of the pentagons. 6 equators, with poles at face centres.Like a skewb on a Dodecahedron.

Post:   419
Date:   Sat, 11 Jun 2011 23:13:48 GMT
Your name:   Nate
Your comment:   Thank you 1,000 times for your amazing site! It has inspired me to go beyond the Rubik's cube. Currently I am struggling with the "quad cube". For the last layer I get an orientation parity situation and nowhere online can I find an algorithm for it. I would appreciate a solution to this puzzle and I hope this is the appropriate method for communicating solution requests. Thank you again for all of the time you have spent on posting so many unique solutions.

Post:   418
Date:   Wed, 08 Jun 2011 21:07:54 GMT
Your name:   john
Your comment:   could you make a 4d cube tutorial?

Post:   417
Date:   Sun, 29 May 2011 15:48:13 GMT
Your name:   Wim Van Renterghem
Website:   hxxp://www.cawimi.be/
Your comment:   If you want your website to be translated, I could do that, and you should also check out my website

Post:   416
Date:   Tue, 24 May 2011 20:54:25 GMT
Your name:   Jacob
Your comment:   In the Megaminx solution guide, in Phase 5, Part b, Algorithm 4, which reads "4. DFR->RDF, DFb->FbD: RU'R'F'U'F D' F'UFRUR' D", there is an error in naming. It should read "4. DFR->RDF, D_R_b->_R_bD: RU'R'F'U'F D' F'UFRUR' D" without underscores.

Other than that, thank you, this guide was very helpful.

Post:   415
Date:   Mon, 23 May 2011 17:08:23 GMT
Your name:   GameScanner
Website:   hxxp://www.gamescanner.org
Your comment:   Thank you for explaining how Ten Billion works. I just got it some time ago and love it!

Post:   414
Date:   Tue, 03 May 2011 02:18:02 GMT
Your name:   Charlie Tremaine(charl10439)
Website:   hxxp://charlietremaine.weebly.com/charlie-tremaines-feet.html
Your comment:   I got new stickers for my Square-1 puzzle last year. Now my Square-1 puzzle looks brand spankin new!

Post:   413
Date:   Mon, 25 Apr 2011 22:01:57 GMT
Your name:   EWQMinesweeper
Website:   hxxp://www.minesweeper.info
Your comment:   hi there,
thanks a lot for your detailed solutions, which have helped me solve puzzles more than once.
i've had a look at your solution for the pyraminx crystal today and i found that in Phase 7, e, 3, b, it should be "The front side of the edge piece has a different colour as face below-right of the F face." instead of "has the same colour"

also in Phase 8, f, you have written "ann" instead of "an".

Post:   412
Date:   Tue, 19 Apr 2011 11:06:05 GMT
Your name:   Georg Scholz
Your comment:   Hello, thanks a lot for your java script! We have a special variation of the snake cube which we didn't find anywhere in the net. Thanks to your program we could edit and solve it. Kind regards Georg

Post:   411
Date:   Tue, 12 Apr 2011 09:46:04 GMT
Your name:   Ben
Your comment:   There is an app for the iPhone called the All-in-1 Logic Gamebox that has a game called "Flip it" that takes the premise of Lights Out to new levels. As you progress the shapes of the levels are no longer simple NxN grids, instead they become strange asymmetric shapes. Can you do a post on how to solve these different shapes? Thanks

Post:   410
Date:   Sat, 02 Apr 2011 15:11:36 GMT
Your name:   Mark
Your comment:   Hi, I was wondering how you CALCULATE the subgroups of the 3x3 cube. For example, how do you know how many restrictions a given subgroup has? Your help is greatly appreciated.

Post:   409
Date:   Tue, 29 Mar 2011 20:52:47 GMT
Your name:   Ismael
Your comment:   Hi! It would be very great if you could do a Teraminx solution!!

Post:   408
Date:   Wed, 23 Mar 2011 11:01:35 GMT
Your name:   Steve
Your comment:   Be careful of the 9x9x9 cubes. I've had 2 now and they both came apart when trying to solve. Hard to put back together. The 11x11x11s are good though.

Post:   407
Date:   Fri, 18 Mar 2011 03:39:30 GMT
Your name:   ccwtree11
Your comment:   Please post solution to 4x4x5

Post:   406
Date:   Wed, 16 Mar 2011 21:56:29 GMT
Your name:   larryfromny
Your comment:   great site

Post:   405
Date:   Wed, 16 Mar 2011 01:06:29 GMT
Your name:   Steve
Your comment:   You can get 9x9x9 and 11x11x11 cubes at china magic cube.com

Post:   404
Date:   Tue, 15 Mar 2011 16:56:26 GMT
Your name:   Jaap
Website:   hxxp://www.jaapsch.net/puzzles/
Your comment:   Andrew,
No, B1 & E1 is correct.
If, after chasing lights, the bottom row reads Off, On, Off, On, Off, (B5 is on, A5&C5 off) then pressing the second and fifth button on the top row and chasing lights again will solve it completely.

You do have to combine the stated button presses if more than one of A5/B5/C5 are on.

Using 1=on, 0=off, here is the full list of all possibilities you get if you use the combinations from my page:

Bottom row lights / top row presses
00000 00000
00111 00010
01010 01001
01101 01011
10001 00011
10110 00001
11011 01010
11100 01000

Post:   403
Date:   Tue, 15 Mar 2011 13:54:39 GMT
Your name:   Andrew
Your comment:   Should the solution to Lights Out Classic say, "If the light at B5 is on, press C1 and E1"? If I'm interpreting the coordinates correctly, I think B1 should be replaced by C1.

Post:   402
Date:   Mon, 07 Mar 2011 20:29:52 GMT
Your name:   Nick
Website:   hxxp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=05r9cGOwxc8
Your comment:   The dino skewb is invented now. You say that it seems nearly impossible to construct but it exists now. Have a look at the link above.

Post:   401
Date:   Sat, 26 Feb 2011 11:46:21 GMT
Your name:   Jaap
Website:   hxxp://www.jaapsch.net/puzzles/
Your comment:   Eduard, I don't know that programme, but I assume it is based on Engel's Enigma. This puzzle is discussed in the Circle Puzzler's Manual:
The most common colour variations are discussed on my Turnstile Page:

Post:   400
Date:   Sat, 26 Feb 2011 10:17:41 GMT
Your name:   Eduard
Your comment:   I meant your Rashkey Java Applet.

Post:   399
Date:   Sat, 26 Feb 2011 10:06:13 GMT
Your name:   Eduard
Website:   hxxp://private.mcnet.ch/baumann/
Your comment:   I like your Java Applet. Do you know "Enigma" on McIntosh? It has 60° turns.

Post:   398
Date:   Fri, 25 Feb 2011 22:01:04 GMT
Your name:   Steve
Your comment:   When will you add a page for the Super Square-1?

Post:   397
Date:   Tue, 22 Feb 2011 18:03:09 GMT
Your name:   mfadragas
Your comment:   jaap

for anyone that may want it
here is solution for all nxnxn cubes:


edges = [24!]^A
centers = [24!/4!^6]^C
corners = 8!3^7
rotation= 1/24

2x2x2 = 3.67 e6
4x4x4 = 7.4 e45
6x6x6 = 1.57 e116
8x8x8 = 3.52 e217
10x10x10 = 8.3 e349
100x100x100 = 2.35 e38415
1000x1000x1000 = 5.67 e3874242


edges = [24!]^B + 12!+2^10
centers = [24!/4!^6]^C
corners = 8!3^7
rotation= 1 (no rotation as centers are fixed)

3x3x3 4.33 e19
5x5x5 2.83 e74
7x7x7 1.95 e160
9x9x9 1.42 e277
11x11x11 1.09 e425
101x101x101 3.18 e39188
1001x1001x1001 1.08 e3881996

1,000,000^3 1.78 e3877855939886
1,000,001^3 8.3 e3877863695602

the numbers get ridiculously large after a while


Post:   396
Date:   Tue, 22 Feb 2011 17:31:26 GMT
Your name:   mfadragas
Your comment:   dear jaap

i answer my own question
i saw your previous email again

if you have same colored & positioned pieces

you can always swap the 2 pieces you want in conjunction with 2 same colored pieces and get the same result


however the restriction does apply
if you have uniquely distinguished pieces

1.some people have printed pictures on the rubiks cube (these do not have the interchangeable pieces as each piece is unique)
2.or made cubes with numbers(depending on the symetry these may have more or less combinations)
3.or shapes(re: homer simpson)

sorry to bother you with this question
you had already answered before


Post:   395
Date:   Tue, 22 Feb 2011 05:47:40 GMT
Your name:   mfadragas
Your comment:   jaap

i hate to bring the issue up again

i am looking for a general formula solution for all nxnxn combos
but have difficulty finding what the correct solution is

just for fun as it is an esoteric subject

please help as i have lost sleep pondering this problem

what i have found to be the best way to determine the solution has just 2 steps:

1) determine the number of combos without any restrictions whatsoever

corners(all cubes) = 8! + 3^8
8 pieces 3 orientations
8! --- locations
3^8 --- orientation

center edges(odd only)= 12! 2^12
12 pieces 2 orientations
12! --- locations
2^12 --- orientation

non-centered edges(per set)= 24!
24 pieces 1 orientations(pers set)
24! --- locations

movable centers(odd or even)=24!/(4!)^6
24 pieces 1 orientations(per set)
24! --- locations
(4!)^6 --- like colored and positioned centers

2) divide by the restrictions

free body rotation(even only)= 1/24

corners = 1/3
--- last orientation not free(1/3)

centered edge = 1/4
--- last orientation not free(1/2)
--- last 3 locations are ordered(1/2)

non-centered edges(per set)= 1/1
---not restricted
---you demonstrated this in last email
24!(per set)

movable centers(odd or even)=1/2
--- last 3 locations are ordered(1/2)
--- i propose this addition
(24!/(4!)^6)/2 (per set for nxnxn)

this last factor (1/2) for movable centers is where you and i differ

for swaping any center pieces i used:
l' d l T' l' d' l T
where l and d are middle layers
(l-verticle d-horizontal)
and T is outer layer(top)

this is a swap for one center piece
from T layer to the L layer

this leaves all other pieces unmoved
in any nxnxn cube

except for 3 center pieces that are ordered(linked)

i found that there are 3 pieces
being moved instead of 2
on a 4x4x4 cube

by solving 4 different colored pieces
on the T and L centers
(if all pieces same color it is harder to see result of what you actually are doing)

and then swapping one piece
left before:
top before:
left after:
top after:

the orange, green and red pieces
moved in a linked manner (O,G,R)

i could not find a counter move that
swaps only 2 centered pieces(not 3)
leaving all others untouched

that would disprove my (1/2) factor

otherwise this again must be added to
4x4x4 combos(and all nxnxn also)

leaving = 3.7 e45
(or 1/2 your solution)

and this affects all nxnxn solutions
as the (1/2) factor would be added to each set of 24 like positioned movable ceter pieces

if ia am incorrect
---please help me find CORRECT solution
--- as you are far more skilled at solving cube than i
--- as demonstrated in last email
where you showed me how to swap 2 non-centered edges
---leaving all else untouched

i am trying to find formula solution for all nxnxn cubes which i will gladly share with you and the world

the only stumbling block for me left is this pesky (1/2) factor
which i can neither prove nor disprove


Post:   394
Date:   Sun, 20 Feb 2011 19:16:04 GMT
Your name:   Jaap
Website:   hxxp://www.jaapsch.net/puzzles/
Your comment:   Ji-seok Chae,
Yes, you may use it provided you include a link back to my site.

Post:   393
Date:   Sun, 20 Feb 2011 10:24:58 GMT
Your name:   Ji-seok Chae
Your comment:   I would like to post the devil's solution of the floppy cube on the South Korean cube website. I think I should get your permission before posting it. Can I post the solution on the website? (I am sorry if I have an error in my writing.)

Post:   392
Date:   Sat, 19 Feb 2011 17:43:04 GMT
Your name:   axel
Your comment:   A great web side that gives me hope to find a solution for the snake cube, given by: ECSCCSCCCCCCCCCCCCCSCCCCCCE
Does anybode have the solution? Otherwise, I will further try it the analytical way, but I'm already a bit tired. Best thanks, Axel

Post:   391
Date:   Sat, 12 Feb 2011 23:12:26 GMT
Your name:   Michael
Your comment:   This site is amazing. Your are a very smart man.

Post:   390
Date:   Tue, 25 Jan 2011 13:16:06 GMT
Your name:   George Dvorak
Website:   hxxp://inzane-thingz.com/
Your comment:   Hello everyone ! This is George Dvorak. Hereby I declare that I am the inventor of Dvorak's Cube as seen on YouYube under the title

Sliding Cube ? No ! Dvorak's Cube. © inZane-thingZ.com

and I challenge Mr. Oskar van Deventer to disclose date of his invention called Sliding Cube.

Thank you

George Dvorak

Chief Designer

inZane thingZ

Post:   389
Date:   Mon, 24 Jan 2011 17:24:42 GMT
Your name:   Jeff
Your comment:   Awesome game I had it in the physical form, I can get to 1-16 quite easily, then have troubles after that. I seem to always fluke my way to the finish.. It's nice to finally have a strategy other then trial and error:)

Post:   388
Date:   Sun, 16 Jan 2011 17:47:46 GMT
Your name:   T.A.Pegg
Your comment:   I am the official inventor of robinson roulette I sold the idea to MB games on a royalty basis please reply regards Terry Pegg

Post:   387
Date:   Sat, 15 Jan 2011 06:48:14 GMT
Your name:   manuel
Your comment:   thank you for your response
you are right

Post:   386
Date:   Sun, 02 Jan 2011 20:38:35 GMT
Your name:   Cary Grayson
Your comment:   I was so glad to see the IZZI cards. I have a few of an old set. Where can I purchase them?

Post:   385
Date:   Fri, 31 Dec 2010 07:58:08 GMT
Your name:   jaap
Your comment:   Manuel,

You are mistaken for two reasons.
1. It is possible to swap two edge pieces on the 4x4x4 without moving centre pieces at all.
For example, (U2 r)5 U2 does a 4-cycle of edges and the only effect on the centres is that the U centres have been given a half turn, which can be fixed by (RL U2 R'L' U)2.

2. Suppose you were right that a swap of edges would need to be combined with a swap of centres. The reverse is also true - a swap of centres would be impossible without also swapping edges. When calculating the number of arrangements of the centres you then should not divide by (4!)^6 because not all those rearrangements are possible. You would have to divide by (4!)^6/2, and that factor of 2 cancels out the factor 2 you are introducing.

In many of the calculations on my site I use this trick. If there is a parity restriction on a set of pieces but there are indistinguishable pieces amongst them, then it is like not having a parity restriction at all because you can make swaps without _visibly_ affecting other pieces.

On the Diamond Style Puzzler (Rubik's Cube with three monochrome layers) for example. I calculated its number of positions as 12!+8! permutations of the pieces, divided by (4!)^5 permutations of indistinguishable pieces.
In reality there is a parity restriction there since it is a Rubik's Cube. It should really be 12!8!/2 divided by (4!)^5 /2, and the twos cancel out.


Post:   384
Date:   Fri, 31 Dec 2010 07:14:52 GMT
Your name:   manuel fadragas
Your comment:   i like your site

the 4x4 solution permutation number (7.401 e 45)you post is incorrect
correct is as follows:

corners: = 8! + 3^7
8 pieces =8!
3 orients last 2 orients locked =3^7

centers: = 24! / [(4!)^6 + (6+4)]
24 pieces 1 orientations = 24!
4 identical colors on each side=/(4!)^6
6 sides can be rotated 4 ways=/6+4

edges: = 24! / 2
24 pieces 1 orientations = 24!
last 2 edge pieces locked = /2

reason: in order to solve you need to simultaneously switch two same colored center pieces and the two edge pieces

you only see this if you mark the same colored center pieces so they are distinguishable from each other

you find only half the center piece orientations allow you to solve cube

total =
(8! + 3^7)+(24!)^2/[(4!)^6+(6+4)+(2)]
= 3.7005 e45 (half of what you posted)

manny :)

Post:   383
Date:   Tue, 28 Dec 2010 10:54:22 GMT
Your name:   jaap
Your comment:   Thanks for pointing that out Caspal. I have fixed it now.

Post:   382
Date:   Tue, 28 Dec 2010 09:48:21 GMT
Your name:   Caspal
Your comment:   I just found an error in your site, in the solution for crazy 4x4, you can not solve the parity with that algo. But something like r U R' U' B' R2 B r' l' B' R2 B U R U' l

Post:   381
Date:   Mon, 27 Dec 2010 04:18:58 GMT
Your name:   Tony
Your comment:   Great to see someone preserving the history of the greatest toy ever in the world. I also collect rubik's puzzles though the untouched, unopened ones from 1980's. Great job

Post:   380
Date:   Wed, 22 Dec 2010 14:04:33 GMT
Your name:   Filip
Your comment:   Thanks for the guide to the Hungarian tin globe. Thought it would be so hard to understand when there was only text and no video, but it worked out perfect!

Post:   379
Date:   Tue, 07 Dec 2010 21:28:45 GMT
Your name:   lewis
Your comment:   thanks alot! i manged to solve my flip side :)

Post:   378
Date:   Tue, 07 Dec 2010 20:09:09 GMT
Your name:   David
Your comment:   please, PLEASE update the page !! there has not been an update for ten months :) (sorry for ma bad english lol)

Post:   377
Date:   Sun, 05 Dec 2010 08:54:21 GMT
Your name:   Yan Xuan
Your comment:   I would like to play many kinds of cubes

Post:   376
Date:   Fri, 26 Nov 2010 04:37:42 GMT
Your name:   Dana
Your comment:   Thank you so much for having a pic of The Orb (Orb-It)on here. I got one for Christmas 1985 and still have it to this day. Until today (Nov 26, 2010) I have never known what it was called.

Post:   375
Date:   Sat, 06 Nov 2010 10:01:16 GMT
Your name:   Gisela Wittingen
Website:   hxxp://wittingen-puzzels.jimdo.com
Your comment:   Hoi Jaap,

Een mooie overzichtelijke site met heel veel achtergrond informatie.

Ik gebruik je site als voorbeeld en bovendien vind ik veel bruikbare informatie voor mijn eigen site.

Gisela Wittingen

Post:   374
Date:   Mon, 01 Nov 2010 20:24:33 GMT
Your name:   Olivier
Your comment:   Hello,

I bought a Snake Cube on a trip to Prague and I cannot find the solution to it, it is not one of the examples you give.

do you know of a program that would derive a solution given its flat shape.
Based on your first page description, that would be : ESCCCCCCSCCSCCCCCSCCSCCCCSE

many thanks


Post:   373
Date:   Wed, 27 Oct 2010 21:50:29 GMT
Your name:   John
Your comment:   The DODEK DUO is a great toy. I wrote a simple program to find the solutions for me.

Post:   372
Date:   Sun, 24 Oct 2010 18:13:41 GMT
Your name:   Avi
Your comment:   Thank you love this site. Got a flipside yesterday. Noticed a small error while viewing the solution. the site says that the cycle move the numbers anti-clockwise, but the cycle rotates the numbers clockwise.

Post:   371
Date:   Tue, 19 Oct 2010 18:16:05 GMT
Your name:   jan
Your comment:   Hiya
anybody know the solution to the Revolving Century Puzzle. The video on U-tube is quite useless

Post:   370
Date:   Sat, 02 Oct 2010 18:20:12 GMT
Your name:   Tawanda Gwena
Website:   hxxp://itunes.apple.com/us/app/t-lights/id394662732?mt=8
Your comment:   Thank you very much for information on Lights Out. It was been invaluable in implementing my new game for the iPhone (the URL is above.).

Post:   369
Date:   Sun, 26 Sep 2010 19:49:16 GMT
Your name:   Jon Burn
Your comment:   I have had a Nintendo Ten Billion Barrel for 30 years and it has never been completed since I first 'randomised' it. It proudly sits solved now. Bit of a cheat but I've waited long enough! Thank you.

Post:   368
Date:   Sun, 19 Sep 2010 08:05:48 GMT
Your name:   Swissi
Your comment:   Thanks a lot. A fantastic puzzles collection.

Post:   367
Date:   Sat, 18 Sep 2010 04:42:23 GMT
Your name:   rational solver
Your comment:   first of all.....thanks a lot..im particularly intrigued by your
information on mathematics of the puzzles
wonderful work!

Post:   366
Date:   Thu, 16 Sep 2010 06:09:46 GMT
Your name:   Nicholas Bodley
Your comment:   Your pages are a true delight, as well as being really extensive.
Please fix the link on the "photo index" page for Rubik's Cheese -- it links to Rubik's UFO.

Best regards,

Post:   365
Date:   Tue, 14 Sep 2010 01:37:13 GMT
Your name:   John
Your comment:   I have a version of II that has blocks 3, 4 vertical mirror images of the one you have. besides the linear solution is a square solution with each colour on the top and bottom with each edge a different colour.

Post:   364
Date:   Mon, 06 Sep 2010 04:14:13 GMT
Your name:   Jeff Holling
Your comment:   No Comment

Post:   363
Date:   Sun, 05 Sep 2010 21:35:08 GMT
Your name:   dzeno
Website:   hxxp://www.instructables.com/id/My-first-puzzle-box/
Your comment:   Make/design your own Awesome puzzleboxes

Post:   362
Date:   Thu, 02 Sep 2010 06:55:18 GMT
Your name:   StarDust4Ever
Your comment:   Hi. I just wanted to say that I love your site. It has solutions for almost every puzzle I can think of.

I have a Battle Gears Spy and a Dancing Gears Waltz from Puzzle Atomic. I appreciate your efforts to create a universal solution for the Battle Gears puzzle. I would also like to request for a universal solution to the Dancing Gears/Rashkey mechanism, as the Dancing Gear puzzles are much more elaborate than the three Rashkey puzzles.


Post:   361
Date:   Tue, 31 Aug 2010 13:40:32 GMT
Your name:   Leonardo Magno de Magalhães
Your comment:   Here is a great place to start! Thank's!

Post:   360
Date:   Thu, 19 Aug 2010 22:17:08 GMT
Your name:   bc
Your comment:   Love your site. I am trying to solve my 5x5x5 cube using solution 2 (as it seems the simpler solution). I am having a little trouble understanding step 2. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Post:   359
Date:   Thu, 19 Aug 2010 13:30:53 GMT
Your name:   John Eric Franklin
Website:   hxxp://johnericfranklin.250free.com
Your comment:   Am learning the burnside lemma
from your site and others.
Thank you.

Post:   358
Date:   Thu, 12 Aug 2010 18:35:49 GMT
Your name:   G. L. Honaker Jr.
Website:   hxxp://www.primecurios.com
Your comment:   Shall we call 43252003274489855999 Rubik's prime?

Post:   357
Date:   Thu, 05 Aug 2010 03:16:15 GMT
Your name:   mariocubechinese
Website:   hxxp://blog.sina.com.cn/mariocube
Your comment:   Cubie edit mode you can change the color input mode rather than block by block mode?

(However, there are many Chinese people's message)

Post:   356
Date:   Sat, 31 Jul 2010 19:42:06 GMT
Your name:   Gina
Your comment:   Very good site, many solution! Thanks


Post:   355
Date:   Sat, 31 Jul 2010 11:51:00 GMT
Your name:   alex chen
Website:   hxxp://cclx.webs.com
Your comment:   amaging collection
I made some bandaged cubes, and had some solution too.
You can visit my site.

Post:   354
Date:   Wed, 21 Jul 2010 03:08:27 GMT
Your name:   mariocube_chinese_
Website:   hxxp://blog.sina.com.cn/mariocube
Your comment:   3x3x3 Rubiks Cube Solution 1:
To move FD to UF, do U'F'RF.

This is wrong, it should be DRF'R'
I hope you can correct.

Post:   353
Date:   Sun, 04 Jul 2010 00:09:56 GMT
Your name:   marais
Your comment:   Hi.I am looking for a Rubik's shells puzzle.Do you know where i can purchase these puzzles? Thanks

Post:   352
Date:   Tue, 08 Jun 2010 22:08:42 GMT
Your name:   Jonathan Yan
Your comment:   how did i purchase a spinout puzzle?

Post:   351
Date:   Mon, 07 Jun 2010 03:55:54 GMT
Your name:   Rozes
Website:   hxxp://www.theukgovernment.com
Your comment:   7 hours on the 11x11x11 - but getting better :-)

Post:   350
Date:   Sat, 05 Jun 2010 10:38:59 GMT
Your name:   hjr
Your comment:   Last night I did my +first+ solve on the 11x11x11 - after some practice on the 5 and 7. I'm not a speed cuber, so it took me 3 hours 5 minutes (instead of the calculated 2h30m). After that, the full-size computer mouse felt like one of those mini notebook mice. Thanks a lot for the inspiration!

Post:   349
Date:   Sat, 05 Jun 2010 05:34:19 GMT
Your name:   gunz
Your comment:   hi Jaap, your site is great, there's many solution inside it, but i think it will became more easy to learn if u can make the pdf format guide, i think it's more easy to read and practice it. sorry for my bad english, thx u so much

Post:   348
Date:   Fri, 04 Jun 2010 18:20:10 GMT
Your name:   klaas bets
Your comment:   heej, jaap

ik heb je al een keer eerder gemaild toen mijn link the rings kapot was.
dit keer is hij weer kapot. hij zat helemaal vast en ik kreeg hem niet meer trug ik probeerde hem te draaien en toen sprong er een draadje en hij viel helemaal uitelkaar. kun je heb mischien maken? of langs komen om te maken. en weet je ook mischien waar de van die link the rings puzzels kan kopen. degene die kapot is is van een vriend daarom hoop ik dat je heb kan maken.

Groetjes klaas

Post:   347
Date:   Thu, 03 Jun 2010 02:48:49 GMT
Your name:   Phil Morales
Your comment:   Very interesting website.

Post:   346
Date:   Sun, 30 May 2010 14:41:43 GMT
Your name:   Susan Smith
Website:   hxxp://www.onestopchinatour.com/
Your comment:   now own a Otto Wu massage ball,SEALED in plastic case Rubik's Domino, plus loads of the new age of twisty puzzles.
it's hard to keep track of them all.

Post:   345
Date:   Sat, 29 May 2010 23:21:54 GMT
Your name:   BR
Website:   hxxp://bestofferbuy.com/3x3x2-Brain-Teaser-Magic-IQ-Cube-p-53916.html?currency=USD&utm_source=gbase&utm_medium=cse&utm_campaign=gbase
Your comment:   Hey jaap,
Thanks for the great puzzle site. I recently bought a new puzzle cube at the site above. Do you know how I would solve this?

Post:   344
Date:   Thu, 27 May 2010 00:15:47 GMT
Your name:   jaap
Your comment:   Thanks guest. It turns out I had accidentally left out distance 30 positions in the table (an off-by-one error in my program). I fixed it now.

Post:   343
Date:   Tue, 25 May 2010 21:41:10 GMT
Your name:   guest
Your comment:   Thanks for this great site. I've learned a lot from it, especially the algorithms from your javascripts.
The light out cube said it took no more than 29 moves to solve. But the built in puzzle 54 takes 30 moves. Also the numbers of the tables page (all 29 moves) in www.jaapsch.net/puzzles/lotable.htm#locube don't add up to 2^48.

Post:   342
Date:   Tue, 25 May 2010 19:45:26 GMT
Your name:   hjr
Your comment:   If I calculated and guessed the non-visible figures right:

Post:   341
Date:   Mon, 24 May 2010 16:50:22 GMT
Your name:   Jeff
Your comment:   Looking for a solution to the revolving century puzzle. Any help appreciated.

Post:   340
Date:   Sun, 16 May 2010 14:37:40 GMT
Your name:   hjr
Your comment:   A really amazing website, I hope you find the time for another update.

I also came across a Mastermorphix solution with your name on it. However, don't you think it's easier to explain it as a "shaved" 3x3x3 cube with marked center pieces? It sure takes a little more moves, and getting used to the odd shape, but it's less to learn.

Post:   339
Date:   Fri, 14 May 2010 17:37:02 GMT
Your name:   Keith
Your comment:   cool site! I have rainbow master ball but I can't figure out how to line it up to make it twist up and and down.

Post:   338
Date:   Fri, 14 May 2010 07:35:38 GMT
Your name:   jaap
Your comment:   Arkanaoid0,
You inspired me to revisit the Flipside page. I have added the new easy parity fix:
[Sliders to the left, flip.
Sliders to the right, cycle.]
Repeat twice more.

This based on yours, but I replaced the anti-cycle by the equivalent flip/cycle/flip. This makes it easier to remember and saves me from introducing more than one kind of cycle.

Post:   337
Date:   Fri, 14 May 2010 05:39:05 GMT
Your name:   Arkanoid0
Your comment:   Hi, i have some extra algs for the flip side puzzle and an alt solution for you.
The Anti-Cycle: Dl/Dr/Ul/Ur/
The Anti-Cycle moves(from a solved state) 2,3,8 counter-clockwise vs. 7,3,8 clockwise.
An Easier to remember 4/9 switch:
Sliders all the way to the right,
Anti-Cycle, Cycle, sliders all the way to the Right, flip, sliders all the way to the right, cycle. Or:
Dl/Dr/Ul/Ur/Ul/Ur/Dl/Dr/D2l U2l/D2r U2r/Ul/Ur/Dl/Dr/

My solution: I get to 01284/56379 then apply the cycle centered. i do it this way because if i need to fix polarity, i can do an inverse cycle at the end,(/Dl/Dr/Ul/Ur) and lose 4 moves.

Post:   336
Date:   Thu, 06 May 2010 16:32:16 GMT
Your name:   Olivea
Website:   hxxp://www.promdressesin.com
Your comment:   And since then I have manage to solve the Rubiks Revenge, Professors Cube, 2x2x2 cube, Floppy cube, Pyraminx and Megaminx. I have been a collector now. Thanks Jaap for this new hobby. Cant wait for your next update.

Post:   335
Date:   Thu, 06 May 2010 07:15:55 GMT
Your name:   jaap
Your comment:   Re: Revolving Century Puzzle
I don't know. The original patent from 1898 (GB189823044) shows a different arrangement with 4 discs and 8 columns.

Post:   334
Date:   Wed, 05 May 2010 23:42:03 GMT
Your name:   cal
Your comment:   Does anyone know the numbers on the Revolving Century Puzzle?

thanks so much! Cool site!

Post:   333
Date:   Sat, 24 Apr 2010 10:38:18 GMT
Your name:   Liz Burrow
Your comment:   love your site - keep up the good work.
now own a Otto Wu massage ball,SEALED in plastic case Rubik's Domino, plus loads of the new age of twisty puzzles.
it's hard to keep track of them all.
please put a solution up for the Mefferts Helicopter cube soon. thanks

Post:   332
Date:   Fri, 23 Apr 2010 03:44:06 GMT
Your name:   Rob Miller
Website:   hxxp://www.none.com
Your comment:   I liked your site

Post:   331
Date:   Wed, 31 Mar 2010 20:58:46 GMT
Your name:   Silvina Naidicz
Your comment:   Thank you. I enjoy a lot with your page.

Post:   330
Date:   Sun, 28 Mar 2010 21:27:14 GMT
Your name:   Timothy J. Brunetz
Your comment:   I have a Hessport Promotional CD ROM of Rubik's Games. Is there a version for the Apple computer?

Post:   329
Date:   Mon, 22 Mar 2010 04:49:45 GMT
Your name:   willem de swart
Your comment:   Hello Jaap,
It is very important for me to know how many basic smaller octahedrons are in this composite octahedron. Can you help me?
Keep up the good work. I really enjoy your website.

Post:   328
Date:   Fri, 19 Mar 2010 19:53:38 GMT
Your name:   CB
Your comment:   great site, had my Rubik Balck Magic since I was a kid and can finally solve it.

Post:   327
Date:   Thu, 18 Mar 2010 15:45:28 GMT
Your name:   puzzler
Website:   hxxp://www.jaapsch.net/
Your comment:   Hi
Just put up a masterball (www.tux.org/~bagleyd) that solves for a masterball that has its segments numbered. You can change the number of bands so it also simulates a saturn. I needed a extra move that I did not see mentioned... when 2 pairs are out for saturn. Great site!
Cheers, David

Post:   326
Date:   Fri, 05 Mar 2010 21:07:07 GMT
Your name:   charl10439(Charlie)
Your comment:   The dogic puzzle is truckin' impossible!! lol

Post:   325
Date:   Fri, 05 Mar 2010 16:33:00 GMT
Your name:   Andy
Your comment:   why the hell does your puzzle solver automatically fill in the last 3. it fucked up my whole thing...

Post:   324
Date:   Wed, 03 Mar 2010 04:14:24 GMT
Your name:   charl10439(Charlie)
Your comment:   Well I'll be a damn dong ding! Puzzles are a wonderful thing!

Post:   323
Date:   Sat, 20 Feb 2010 14:44:03 GMT
Your name:   hershow
Website:   hxxp://www.cube4you.com/product-635.html
Your comment:   How to solve the cube "Turbo Mind Twister" ?

Post:   322
Date:   Tue, 16 Feb 2010 23:38:30 GMT
Your name:   Andrew
Website:   hxxp://andrew-worldslargestpuzzle24000pieces.blogspot.com/
Your comment:   Hi Jaap
Any solution for GIGAMINX & TERAMINX ?

Pls email me if you have.....

Post:   321
Date:   Sun, 14 Feb 2010 08:46:22 GMT
Your name:   George Dvorak
Website:   hxxp://www.inzane-thingz.com
Your comment:   Hi Jaap !
Just letting you and everyone know that my web site inzane-thingz.com is up. I wish everyone pleasant surfing. George

Post:   320
Date:   Thu, 11 Feb 2010 11:09:42 GMT
Your name:   Steve Faas
Your comment:   Hello, just to let you know, I found that you can buy fully functional 9x9x9 and 11x11x11 cubes from alibaba.com.

Post:   319
Date:   Tue, 09 Feb 2010 14:25:19 GMT
Your name:   Ashik
Your comment:   I stumbled on your site when i was trying to solve my 3x3x3 Rubiks. And since then I have manage to solve the Rubiks Revenge, Professors Cube, 2x2x2 cube, Floppy cube, Pyraminx and Megaminx. I have been a collector now. Thanks Jaap for this new hobby. Cant wait for your next update.

Post:   318
Date:   Tue, 09 Feb 2010 01:48:28 GMT
Your name:   Charlie Hurlocker
Your comment:   Very useful site in every way, shape and form. I was very pleased with this and will most definitely find myself returning many times again.

Post:   317
Date:   Wed, 27 Jan 2010 23:34:03 GMT
Your name:   Renato da Silva Oliveira
Website:   hxxp://www.asterdomus.com.br
Your comment:   Fascinante!

Post:   316
Date:   Sat, 23 Jan 2010 15:27:25 GMT
Your name:   Michael Erskine
Website:   hxxp://www.tecspy.com/
Your comment:   I love your site Jaap - inspirational! I am a recent finder of the joy that is twisty puzzles and your site has clear explanations and descriptions. Thank You

Post:   315
Date:   Sun, 13 Dec 2009 08:22:35 GMT
Your name:   George Dvorak
Your comment:   The best puzzle site on the web !
Keep up the good work Jaap !

George Dvorak

Post:   314
Date:   Mon, 07 Dec 2009 22:08:34 GMT
Your name:   kevin mcbride
Your comment:   I see more puzzles,

Post:   313
Date:   Fri, 27 Nov 2009 23:14:23 GMT
Your name:   Greg
Your comment:   Thanks for your solutions, I used your final layer edge flipping moves to help solve my Megaminx:) F.Y.I. by following the Kurt Endl solution one flipped edge in the final layer is likely. I needed to back track and flip another before preceding with your edge flipping moves. THX!

Post:   312
Date:   Mon, 23 Nov 2009 10:12:52 GMT
Your name:   Greg
Your comment:   Hi, I am new to Megaminx, however I have read that you can only have an even number of flipped edges on the final face. How can this be true when there are five edges per face? Anyone?

Post:   311
Date:   Sat, 21 Nov 2009 19:16:02 GMT
Your name:   Celia
Your comment:   Hi Jaap,

it's great to see the new update!
About Tantrix:
There is a school math competition every year in Germany called Känguru der Mathematik. They give out puzzles to all participating students. Last year it was Tantrix puzzles which were especially designed for this contest.
Here they are:

Post:   310
Date:   Thu, 19 Nov 2009 18:44:24 GMT
Your name:   Leo Peterse
Your comment:   Jaap. Geweldig. Wat een werk. Echt een passie. Wellicht kan Sjors er ook wat van opsteken.

groet, Leo

Post:   309
Date:   Thu, 19 Nov 2009 14:11:23 GMT
Your name:   Elaine Morfas
Your comment:   does anyone have any idea where I might find the disco/octo puzzle? thanks great site!

Post:   308
Date:   Wed, 18 Nov 2009 22:08:06 GMT
Your name:   Calvin Ingram
Your comment:   Great site. It has taken me years to solve my Rubiks Revenge and Professor cube. Thanks to you, I completed them in a day! Also, could you please upload a video on how to solve a megaminx?

Keep the site going.


Post:   307
Date:   Mon, 16 Nov 2009 19:55:35 GMT
Your name:   Sjors Peterse
Your comment:   Mooie site zeg, ik ben nu druk bezig met Rubik's Cube aan het oplossen, groet Sjors van beneden

Post:   306
Date:   Sun, 25 Oct 2009 15:25:33 GMT
Your name:   Joke Becker
Your comment:   Hallo Jaap,
Heb deze puzzel in het rood, wist niet dat er ook groene waren,groet Joke.

Post:   305
Date:   Mon, 19 Oct 2009 11:55:53 GMT
Your name:   Seungme Shin
Your comment:   Hello, Jaap Scherphis.
Greetings. Good to meet you here.

I'm Seungme from Korea, a big fan of your website that you introduce solutions for all the puzzles.

I admire what you have done so far. And want to say thank you.

By the way, I have a question. How do you pronouce your name, Jaap Scherphis?

It's quite hard to figure it out. I have no idea how to say your name +^^+

Could you please let me know how to read your name, or preferably the phonetic sign of it? (For your information, my name is read as [s i ]. Oops,,, the phonetic signs are broken here... Guess it doesn't support the letters.)

I'll look forward to your reply.

I've also sent an email in case you don't see this note. Hope you get both~~

Have a nice day^^
See you!!

Post:   304
Date:   Thu, 08 Oct 2009 19:19:13 GMT
Your name:   Phil
Your comment:   I just found my Rubik's Tangles that I'd never got rid of. I knew I'd completed 1 of the 4, thought I'd have a play, whilst waiting for some videos to encode (I digress). My understanding of the puzzle was that there could not be any "loops" in the ropes, which invalidates one of the two solutions provided for each Tangle! Glad I won't be wasting any time trying to complete the 10+10 version now.

Post:   303
Date:   Wed, 07 Oct 2009 06:39:42 GMT
Your name:   Dave Barber
Your comment:   Thanks for your information on Tantrix Rock, which helped me write my page.

Technical problem with your guestbook: If I put my URL in the URL box, the guestbook says that the URL is not valid. But the guestbook also complains if I put the URL in the comment area.

Post:   302
Date:   Sat, 26 Sep 2009 16:30:09 GMT
Your name:   Chase
Website:   hxxp://www.angelfire.com/az/chase4ever/index.html
Your comment:   Thank you so much for the information you have for adjusting the picture positions on the Rubik's Cube. I had a challenging time finding a solution until I found your website. Thanks again!!

Post:   301
Date:   Sat, 26 Sep 2009 15:19:39 GMT
Your name:   Guest
Your comment:   Nice to see you back in the community!

Post:   300
Date:   Sun, 20 Sep 2009 19:32:16 GMT
Your name:   Jaap
Website:   hxxp://www.jaapsch.net/puzzles
Your comment:   I have finally added a new guestbook, so you can say what you want to say about the site.

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