Post: 200 |
Your name: : Amanda |
Website: : |
Type your comment: : wow... amazing... Math really sucked the fun out of Lights Out now.. but at least Im not stuck on level 26 anymore... youre my hero! |
Post: 199 |
Your name: : Philip |
Website: : philip_ at yahoo dot com |
Type your comment: : Its really a nice activity to engage in such MIND TWISTER:-) |
Post: 198 |
Your name: : licedey |
Website: : |
Type your comment: : Live word search puzzles |
Post: 197 |
Your name: : Mr_Bricolage |
Website: : |
Type your comment: : Thanks to your expert listing of the many ways to solve Square One, Ive finally done it. Great job on putting this together |
Post: 196 |
Your name: : Hey |
Website: : hhh |
Type your comment: : What the? |
Post: 195 |
Your name: : Panos Pantazis |
Website: : |
Type your comment: : Very nice work. Keep going |
Post: 194 |
Your name: : George Trail |
Website: : N/A |
Type your comment: : I cant just do the rate your mind pal puzzle; I am a god at it. I have a long list of impressive original achievements on it..... email me @ glt2 at o2 dot co dot uk for more information. |
Post: 193 |
Your name: : Jeff Bob |
Website: : |
Type your comment: : I have mastered the 3x3x3 cube... I can complete it in under 90 seconds. My friend got me the 4x4x4 and I was frustrated for some ideas. Thank you for the solution options. Jeffery Kleibrink |
Post: 192 |
Your name: : Garrett |
Website: : |
Type your comment: : Can you tell me of a place where I can learn to solve 3x3 or 4x4 sliding puzzles? I found some old party favor ones and I cant solve them!!! Any help is greatly appreciated. |
Post: 191 |
Your name: Scott Goodgame |
Website: |
Type your comment: Are you planning to fix the links to the Javascript SourceCode? I would love to have a look at your work! |
Post: 190 |
Your name: Peter Axton |
Website: |
Type your comment: I have had Triple Cross since 1999 and keep coming back to it and totally fail in returning it to as new I am so grateful to have found your site. My wife will also be pleased as I can now get on with her Honey Dos |
Post: 189 |
Your name: a |
Website: |
Type your comment: Wonderful website! The most dedicated and extensive website I have ever seen on this topic. |
Post: 188 |
Your name: Sean Connolly |
Website: |
Type your comment: Hi Jaap!
Would like to say a big Thank You for being such a generous host for DCD05. Also, your puzzle collection is excellent too, along with all those binary calculator toys too! Look forward to seeing you next year at GCD06! Cheers! |
Post: 187 |
Your name: charl10439 |
Website: |
Type your comment: If I had a puzzle, Id solve it in the morning. Id solve it in the evening all over this land! |
Post: 186 |
Your name: Terry Lee Tanner |
Website: No Website |
Type your comment: This is by far the best display of mechanical puzzles Ive ever seen. The reason Im so interested in the puzzles is because Ive invented and patented a very exquisite puzzle myself. |
Post: 185 |
Your name: Shawn Dayton |
Website: |
Type your comment: I recently bought Flip-side by Thinkfun. Anyone familar with it yet or have a solution to it? Its addicting, but would be more fun if I could get it solved. Thanks. momentumforce at |
Post: 184 |
Your name: Jaap |
Website: |
Type your comment: Rubiks Illusion Rules: |
Post: 183 |
Your name: kim_kimikaze at hotmail dot com |
Website: |
Type your comment: ik ben op zoek naar de spelregels van Rubiks Illusion. Spel met een spiegel. Ik heb overal gezocht (misschien niet op dde juiste plaats) Kan iemand mij helpen? Groetjes Kim |
Post: 182 |
Your name: Frederiek |
Website: |
Type your comment: help! ik kan geen stukje vinden met aan de ene kant peters en ertegenover hole, of wordt er bedoeld dat de zijden met deze woorden aan elkaar grenzen, of iets heel anders? |
Post: 181 |
Your name: Meinrad |
Website: |
Type your comment: Great page and unbelievable hwo complex some ganes are. |
Post: 180 |
Your name: ahuennoemilo at yahoo dot com |
Website: |
Type your comment: This site is amazing! |
Post: 179 |
Your name: Michelle Thompson |
Website: Michelle Thompson |
Type your comment: I was trying to google myself. Your page turned up in my search. I think your page is cool but why did it turn up under Michelle Thompson? LOL |
Post: 178 |
Your name: watcher3 |
Website: |
Type your comment: Im trying to find a good condition Whip-it puzzle, any ideas? Seems to be very hard to do... |
Post: 177 |
Your name: Mr_Bricolage |
Website: |
Type your comment: Thanks to your expert listing of the many ways to solve Square One, Ive finally done it. Great job on putting this together |
Post: 176 |
Your name: Hey |
Website: hhh |
Type your comment: What the? |
Post: 175 |
Your name: Panos Pantazis |
Website: |
Type your comment: Very nice work. Keep going |
Post: 174 |
Your name: George Trail |
Website: N/A |
Type your comment: I cant just do the rate your mind pal puzzle; I am a god at it. I have a long list of impressive original achievements on it..... email me @ glt2 at for more information. |
Post: 173 |
Your name: Jeff Bob |
Website: |
Type your comment: I have mastered the 3x3x3 cube... I can complete it in under 90 seconds. My friend got me the 4x4x4 and I was frustrated for some ideas. Thank you for the solution options. Jeffery Kleibrink |
Post: 172 |
Your name: Garrett |
Website: |
Type your comment: Can you tell me of a place where I can learn to solve 3x3 or 4x4 sliding puzzles? I found some old party favor ones and I cant solve them!!! Any help is greatly appreciated. |
Post: 171 |
Your name: jaap |
Website: |
Type your comment: The puzzle may be a 3-ring version of the quattro puzzle. A solution of that can be found here: Just skip the first step. |
Post: 170 |
Your name: Santiago |
Website: HELP MEEEE |
Type your comment: My boyfriend showed me this advanced little toy:I don´t know what it´s called,but there are 3 rings tied together with some ropes,and the point is to get them all apart!Is there anyone who knows what this toy is called,or have any idea how U can solve it? |
Post: 169 |
Your name: Jaap |
Website: |
Type your comment: Thanks for dropping by Steven. I see I havent put the patent info on the missing link page. You are mentioned on the Fifteen page for the Genius puzzle. |
Post: 168 |
Your name: Steven Hanson |
Website: |
Type your comment: I was the inventor of The Missing Link, while working at Marvin Glass and Associates for 10 years |
Post: 167 |
Your name: jaap |
Website: |
Type your comment: Thomas, The puzzles my generator makes can be freely used without copyright restrictions. |
Post: 166 |
Your name: Thomas Lohninger |
Website: ------ |
Type your comment: Can I put the Sudoku + Solution, wich was created by your generator, on my personal website? |
Post: 165 |
Your name: Azalea |
Website: |
Type your comment: I got lot of informations in your page about Peters black hole. I Thank you a lot, and Ive translated it into Korean in my blog above. If you dont like it, Itll be removed.^^ |
Post: 164 |
Your name: Gary McGrew |
Website: gmcgrew at cox dot net |
Type your comment: I have a 27 wooden cube puzzle that forms a 3x3x3 cube, but all the mini cubes are connected! I dont see this in your graphical overview. Whats the solution? |
Post: 163 |
Your name: Cube |
Website: tyjohn89 at aol dot com |
Type your comment: Hello. I am sorry to bother you, but I have been searching for a Whippit 4 China. I found your site and for the first time I saw a picture . Can I ask you where you bought it? Also, do you know where I could buy one? Thank you very much. |
Post: 162 |
Your name: Judy Laurence |
Website: |
Type your comment: I am looking for on of rubiks puzzel of 25 cards with string 2 clouors on each side what is the name of this puzzle please laurence at |
Post: 161 |
Your name: Julie |
Website: cundurango at aol dot com |
Type your comment: I am trying to replace by lost puzzles:turstile, backspin and topspin from binary arts. Can you help? |
Post: 160 |
Your name: nick |
Website: |
Type your comment: amazing stuff :-) |
Post: 159 |
Your name: Jon |
Website: |
Type your comment: I got the Nintendo Barrel from a friend, solved and came to this site to see your solution... How fast can this be done?? Mine is bottom 2 layers, black balls, and solve... Great Site!! Go Group Theory! |
Post: 158 |
Your name: Michiel |
Website: |
Type your comment: Geweldig om te lezen die computer puzzle page. Ik wist voorheen niet wat IDA* was of hoe Kociembas algoritme werkt. Mooi! |
Post: 157 |
Your name: ben_j_roberts at hotmail dot com |
Website: |
Type your comment: What a great idea for a site! By the way, Row-by-row... for an extra challenge, this can be solved column-by-column... |
Post: 156 |
Your name: Kathleen |
Website: |
Type your comment: Wonderful website! Many thanks for all your effort. I found many solutions I needed. The calculations for possible combinations are great. |
Post: 155 |
Your name: latara |
Website: |
Type your comment: Thank you for the solution to Rubik`s Clock. I have had this puzzle since it first became available. I solved it once, and never was able to repeat. Solved my first Rubik`s Cube in 25 min. I`m no math person, just like puzzles. |
Post: 154 |
Your name: ken Troisi |
Website: |
Type your comment: Very interesting. What would it entail to have my puzzle listed on your site ? |
Post: 153 |
Your name: Corry |
Website: |
Type your comment: Een mooie site Ik spaar schuifpuzzels (14/15 puzzels) zo kwam ik met andere puzzels thuis waarvan ik de oplossingen op deze site vond. dat er zoveel verschillende zijn prachtig toch. |
Post: 152 |
Your name: jasmin |
Website: jasmin dot mueller dot ma at gmx dot de |
Type your comment: This site is really great, I have visited it often when I got stuck with a puzzle. I have made a bandaged cube out of a 4*4*4 rubiks cube. Is it possible to get the solution from you, when I send you the configuration of the cube?
Thanks |
Post: 151 |
Your name: bonachon |
Website: |
Type your comment: Hi, can u somebody post the Algorithm to solve the rubiks? |
Post: 150 |
Your name: Mike Ellebracht |
Website: |
Type your comment: Nice site, looks like you put a lot of hard work into it. |
Post: 149 |
Your name: Ben |
Website: |
Type your comment: This is really neat, I was trying to solve one level of the original lights out that I have been stuck on for years and this helped a ton. Who knew every thing I learned in discrete math this year would be handy so soon. WOOO GRAPH THEORY and mods! |
Post: 148 |
Your name: Joël van Noort |
Website: |
Type your comment: Very good website... Looks like youve been working really hard ;).
Mzzl, Joël. |
Post: 147 |
Your name: charl10439 |
Website: |
Type your comment: The world would be a better place if everyone had a few Rubiks Cubes. |
Post: 146 |
Your name: |
Website: |
Type your comment: ha i did that zigsaw puzzle in about 3 hours without help from you! |
Post: 145 |
Your name: Coen |
Website: |
Type your comment: This (the graphical overview) is completely crazy !!!!!! Of in gewoon nederlands: volkomen krankzinnig. My compliments! |
Post: 144 |
Your name: Somebody |
Website: |
Type your comment: Have you looked at the cubra puzzles? |
Post: 143 |
Your name: Uni |
Website: |
Type your comment: Nice site! unicalus at gmail dot com |
Post: 142 |
Your name: Peter |
Website: |
Type your comment: Excelent website. Has a solution to virtualy any puzzle. I found one in my closet, and you had the solution. Thank you for a great website. |
Post: 141 |
Your name: Suzumi |
Website: |
Type your comment: sweet set of cubes they so total rule my bf obsessed being able to solve them the best once you play once twice your hocked for life :) peace out |
Post: 140 |
Your name: Arun Philip |
Website: |
Type your comment: I was passing time in trying to solve this via a program... that used a brute-force approach, and was hitting memory and time constraints (naturally :). Today, gotta go home and try out your solution. Thx for the idea! |
Post: 139 |
Your name: Ben Davis |
Website: www.bluephi at ctc dot net |
Type your comment: I would like to know if I can still get aversion of The Missing Link, The Pyraminx, or The Rubik Snake? |
Post: 138 |
Your name: Mike |
Website: |
Type your comment: Thanks for the fun! I used this in my discrete math class. My students had fun with this application of graph theory. |
Post: 137 |
Your name: That Guy |
Website: |
Type your comment: Great site |
Post: 136 |
Your name: Vicky Taylor |
Website: Vickytaylor at hotmail dot com |
Type your comment: Can you give me any info on where I can buy a Whip it/Puzzle tower, have been trying to trace one for ages, thanks. |
Post: 135 |
Your name: Jaap Scherphuis |
Website: |
Type your comment: My site has been offline for about 8 days, due to some kind of problem at geocities. I hope it is fixed now. Enjoy the update! |
Post: 134 |
Your name: Herbert |
Website: |
Type your comment: What happend to your site? |
Post: 133 |
Your name: KRunK |
Website: |
Type your comment: great site ;D my girlfriend recently got a cube and she solved it!!! |
Post: 132 |
Your name: Jaap Scherphuis |
Website: |
Type your comment: Annoyed Gamer, It is not possible to swap two pieces like that in the Fifteen puzzle. |
Post: 131 |
Your name: Annoying Gamer |
Website: |
Type your comment:
4 - 3- 2- 1 4- 3- 2- 1
8 - 7- 6- 5 8- 7- 6- 5
12-11-10- 9 12-11-10- 9
14-SP-15-13 to SP-15-14-13
even possible? Ive been stymied for 2 days.. |
Post: 130 |
Your name: Eric |
Website: |
Type your comment: There is no way I could have solved this thing without your help. Thanks so much!! |
Post: 129 |
Your name: shirley |
Website: |
Type your comment: After 12 years, I can finally work my Square One Puzzle. Thank you! Will you soon have the solution to K8, a K-Ball made by Toymakers? Sure enjoy your site! |
Post: 128 |
Your name: Gaétan Guimond |
Website: |
Type your comment: Super site, much of information. Congradulation with your magic cube! |
Post: 127 |
Your name: ned_quimby at yahoo dot com |
Website: |
Type your comment: Nice site! |
Post: 126 |
Your name: Michelle Thompson |
Website: |
Type your comment: Hi, I am looking for a particular puzzle and ran across your page in a Google search. I havent seen it yet, but have high hopes, as yours is the best made site yet! Thanks! Minden, Louisiana |
Post: 125 |
Your name: FRITS |
Website: |
Type your comment: Its really, really amazing. You brought back a goal in my life. I now even have a girlfriend!! I wish you were here, my hero! Much greetings, your Firts |
Post: 124 |
Your name: Tomas Ullrich |
Website: |
Type your comment: Thats me again, I cant see my inserted GuestBook(nevermind). I wanted to say: you are a genius, I am amazed and surprised. Those are wonderfull pages! Feel free to contact me at tom_ullrich at hotmail dot com (hope your mail wont fall in junk or blocked) |
Post: 123 |
Your name: Tomas Ullrich |
Website: |
Type your comment: About PAKOVALEC.I live in the Czech Rep.,have been the 1.,who solved it and got 10.000,- CZK as a reward.My solution is (CZ,can translate) If you are interrested,contact me at tom_ullrich at hotmail dot com |
Post: 122 |
Your name: Ashley |
Website: |
Type your comment: I stubbled upon your website looking for a Square-1 puzzle. I see how to solve it but where can i find one or even who makes it. Any help would be awesome. |
Post: 121 |
Your name: Martyn Thirlway |
Website: |
Type your comment: Hi Jaap, we met on the BA plane to Heathrow last week. Your website is amazing - I did not expect so many puzzles! It is now in my Favourites list. Groetjes |
Post: 120 |
Your name: Jaap Scherphuis |
Website: |
Type your comment: I dont know of a any shop that sells them, but I have some spare Pyrixes. Email me (jaapsch _at_ yahoo _dot_ com). |
Post: 119 |
Your name: Liesbeth |
Website: |
Type your comment: A small question: where can I find such a pyrix? |
Post: 118 |
Your name: camp |
Website: camp at svol dot net |
Type your comment: thanx for the info on alexander`s star,nice web site |
Post: 117 |
Your name: Kitty |
Website: |
Type your comment: Some of it was difficult to follow. I spotted a mistake in Solution 1 Phase 2: urBuBr. should be urBuBr. |
Post: 116 |
Your name: Alan |
Website: |
Type your comment: interesting website |
Post: 115 |
Your name: phil |
Website: |
Type your comment: can you try thr homer simpson one? i foud it in my basement but i lost my booklet that came with it that had the helpful movement please!?! |
Post: 114 |
Your name: Kailey |
Website: |
Type your comment: How can I buy one of theese games? Can you? |
Post: 113 |
Your name: Eddie Cox |
Website: Ireland |
Type your comment: solved the cube at last,but it took me a long timeeeee,what do u do for a living,must be a maths teacher,God Bless |
Post: 112 |
Your name: Matt |
Website: |
Type your comment: This site truly rocks, and is just what I needed to read right now in order to figure out why sn = aut(sn) except for s6! Thanks! |
Post: 111 |
Your name: Mack |
Website: none |
Type your comment: Woah you got some crazy math shit boy, get yourself a job |
Post: 110 |
Your name: Gustav |
Website: |
Type your comment: Hi Jaap. Just wanted to thank you for your awesome site. Ive been here quite a few times and lately Ive taken an interest in your math sections. I really like what youve done. Keep up the good work. |
Post: 109 |
Your name: Vada Huntley |
Website: |
Type your comment: I have a Great Gear in the box... Bought in 1982.. NEVER BEEN solved. Was looking to see if they were still being made.. I thought I might put it on Ebay |
Post: 108 |
Your name: Laura Mather |
Website: 98lem at swgs dot wilts dot sch dot uk |
Type your comment: Very good website, but wondering whether you have any info on the ethical/moral issues of the manufacturing of the Rubiks Cube? Please reply. |
Post: 107 |
Your name: Shirley F |
Website: |
Type your comment: FINALLY, help for my Square-1. Thanks! Im having trouble getting the the last corner switched on top and bottom. Any suggestions? |
Post: 106 |
Your name: Inka |
Website: |
Type your comment: Your page is really cool. I always searched for such a site. Wer did you get all the solutions? Its sometimes so hard to solve the puzzles by yourselve. thanks for sharing this page with all of us. |
Post: 105 |
Your name: Matt Spencer |
Website: |
Type your comment: Hey, cool! Bring these things back; Id buy one! |
Post: 104 |
Your name: Jaap Scherphuis |
Website: this one |
Type your comment: Herbert, they are ordered by group size. <r3mc> is of order 6, while <m4> is of order 4. Note also that <r3mc>=<r3,mc>, and I dont generally think of this group as having a single generator. The page splits are due page length. |
Post: 103 |
Your name: Herbert |
Website: |
Type your comment: If m4 = r4 mc, you put 9 of the ten possible conjugacy classes of cube symmetries onto page 4 of your cube symmetries page. Why is the tenths (r3 mc) on page 2? |
Post: 102 |
Your name: Jaap Scherphuis |
Website: this one |
Type your comment: The m4 symmetry is the combination of an r4 turn (90 degree cube turn) with the central reflection. It has order 4. It is a bit like the glide reflection in plane geometry. Try out my cubie applet to see what it does. |
Post: 101 |
Your name: Herbert |
Website: |
Type your comment: What means m4 (symmetry 26 on the cube symmetry page)? |