The missile routine.
The routine should look through string from right to left and move every missile to the right. If a missile is already in the right column or if it hits a non-alien object (i.e. a star), the missile is removed. If an alien is hit, the missile and alien are both removed, and points are added to your score.
The search has to be done right to left, so that we move the missiles in front first. Otherwise a missile at the back will hit a missile at the front.
The information passed is:
A%(1)=ADDR(A$) | 'A$ is the screen string |
A%(2)=20 | 'Length of a screen line on a Psion LZ. 'For a Psion CM or XP, use 16 instead. |
A%(2)=A%(2)+256*10 | 'The score for a hit. |
A%(3)=256*%-+%< | 'Missile and alien shape. |
Lets assign some addresses to store this data in:
41=Score change for a hit
43=missile shape
44=alien shape
45/46=Total score change so far.
18 | XGDX | |
EC02 | LDD 2,X | 'Store the information used in a more easily |
DD41 | STD 41 | 'accessible place, addresses 41 to 44. |
EC04 | LDD 4,X | |
DD43 | STD 43 | |
7F0045 | CLR 45 | 'Clear score. |
7F0046 | CLR 46 | |
EE00 | LDX 0,X | 'get the string address. |
E600 | LDAB 0,X | 'Get string length. |
2735 | BEQ end | 'Return if empty string. Shouldn't happen, but it is 'safer this way. |
3A | ABX | 'Go to end of string. |
lp: | ||
37 | PSHB | 'store B temporarily |
A600 | LDAA 0,X | 'Get character on left. |
9143 | CMPA 43 | 'Skip if not missile. |
2627 | BNE skp | |
8620 | LDAA %20 | 'erase it. |
A700 | STAA 0,X | |
17 | TBA | 'calculate which column it is in. |
4C | INCA | |
s: | ||
9042 | SUBA 42 | |
22FC | BHI s | |
271B | BEQ skp | 'skip if at the right column of the screen. |
A601 | LDAA 1,X | 'Get destination contents. |
8120 | CMPA %20 | 'Move missile if it is empty. |
2711 | BEQ move | |
9144 | CMPA 44 | 'Skip if hit object that isn't an alien. |
2611 | BNE skp | |
8620 | LDAA %20 | 'erase alien. |
A701 | STAA 1,X | |
D641 | LDAB 41 | 'Add score. |
4F | CLRA | |
D345 | ADDD 45 | |
DD45 | STD 45 | |
2004 | BRA skp | |
move: | ||
9643 | LDAA 43 | 'Move missile to right. |
A701 | STAA 1,X | |
skp: | ||
33 | PULB | 'retrieve B |
09 | DEX | 'move left. |
5A | DECB | 'until done whole screen. |
26CD | BNE lp | |
end: | ||
DE45 | LDX 45 | |
39 | RTS | 'return total score change. |
In Part 5, the conclusion of this series, I will putting all the parts of our game together.