Jaap's Mechanical Calculators Page

Calculator Books

On this page I will list various books in my collection related to old calculators. These are not manuals or books related to a single brand of calculator, as those can be found on the relevant page. These are more general books, whether covering all the calculators available at time of publication, a retrospective overview of calculator history, or a museum catalogue. They are listed in chronological order.

1908; Mayer; Das Rechnen in der Technik und seine Hilfsmittel
1911; Jacob; Le Calcul mécanique
1915; Lenz; Die Rechenmaschinen und das Maschinenrechnen
1921; Brauner&Vogt; Illustriertes Orga-Handbuch erprobter Büromaschinen
1922; Dur&Wallon; Kartei und Kontormaschinen
1930; Le Coutre; Organisations-Lexikon
1941; Brüggeman; Buchungsmaschinen, Auswahl und Einsatz
1948; Anjema; Efficiency op Kantoor
1950; Bulgakov; Счетные машины
1951; Willers; Mathematische Maschinen und Instrumente
1953; Schranz; Addiermaschinen
1953; Henneman; Die technische Entwicklung der Rechenmaschine
1958; Tukachinskiy; Mashiny-Matematiki
1959; Meeuwis; Hulpmiddelen der Administratieve Techniek
1961; Haas; Grundlagen und Bauelemente elektronischer Ziffernrechenmaschinen
1962; Morgenbesser; Deutsche Grossbetriebe 4 - Die Schreib- und Rechenmaschinenfabrikation
1977; Wilberg; Die Leibniz'sche Rechenmaschine und die Julius-Universität in Helmstedt
1980; Marx; Het kantoor in de loop der eeuwen
1988; Stümpel; Büromaschinen aus Berlin
1990; Musée National Des Techniques; De La Machine a Calculer de Pascal à L'Ordinateur
1999; Walze; Die Welt der Rechenmaschinen
2001; Russo; Antique Office Machines
2001/2002; Dingwerth; Werbung für Büromaschinen in alter Zeit
2002; Reese; Neue Blicke auf alte Maschinen
2024; Levrie, Smet, Vande Velde; 400 Years of Mechanical Calculators

Das Rechnen in der Technik und seine Hilfsmittel (Rechenschieber, Rechentafeln, Rechenmaschinen usw.)    (archive.org)
Joh. Eugen Mayer
128 pages, hardcover, German
110mm × 157mm × 9mm

This book describes the many calculation aids and devices that were available in 1908. The chapter on calculators is only 20 pages and has few illustrations and pictures. More than half the chapter deals with the history of calculators, with only a few pages with brief descriptions of contemparary machines. There are some ads at the back of the book, including ones for the Millionaire, and the Burkhardt Arithmometer.

Das Rechnen in der Technik und seine Hilfsmittel
Das Rechnen in der Technik und seine Hilfsmittel
Das Rechnen in der Technik und seine Hilfsmittel
Das Rechnen in der Technik und seine Hilfsmittel
Das Rechnen in der Technik und seine Hilfsmittel
Das Rechnen in der Technik und seine Hilfsmittel
Das Rechnen in der Technik und seine Hilfsmittel

Le Calcul mécanique Appareils arithmétiques et algébriques Intégrateurs    (archive.org)
L. Jacob
412 pages, hardcover, French
127mm × 185mm × 24mm

The first 95 pages are about calculators, while the rest of the book concerns various techniques and analog devices for approximately solving equations and other calculations. It has a fair number of pictures of mechanisms and machines. The text mostly discusses the various mechanisms and their inventors, but hardly ever mentions any particular brand or model except in a historical context.
This book was published as part of the "Encyclopédie Scientifique", a collection of books on a wide variety of subjects including photography, plant scents, astronomy, finances, biological growth, oil fields, cancer, steam engines, heredity, suspension bridges, and many others.

Le Calcul mécanique
Le Calcul mécanique
Le Calcul mécanique
Le Calcul mécanique
Le Calcul mécanique
Le Calcul mécanique
Le Calcul mécanique
Le Calcul mécanique
Le Calcul mécanique

Die Rechenmaschinen und das Maschinenrechnen
Karl Lenz
118 pages, hardcover, German
125mm × 184mm × 8mm

This book has a thorough overview of the various types of calculator mechanism and the main calculators of each type that were available in 1915. It has a moderate number of good illustrations and pictures. There were later updated editions in 1924 and 1932.

Die Rechenmaschinen und das Maschinenrechnen
Die Rechenmaschinen und das Maschinenrechnen
Die Rechenmaschinen und das Maschinenrechnen
Die Rechenmaschinen und das Maschinenrechnen
Die Rechenmaschinen und das Maschinenrechnen
Die Rechenmaschinen und das Maschinenrechnen
Die Rechenmaschinen und das Maschinenrechnen

Illustriertes Orga-Handbuch erprobter Büromaschinen    (PDF, 67.9 MB or archive.org)
Ludwig Brauner & Victor Vogt
644 pages, hardcover, German
177mm × 260mm × 32mm

This book contains an extensive description of most of the office machines that were available in 1921. The first section is about typewriters, the second about calculators, then bookkeeping machines, duplicators, clocks, safes, and other machines. I have scanned the section on calculators and this is available at the links above.

Illustriertes Orga-Handbuch erprobter Bueromaschinen
Illustriertes Orga-Handbuch erprobter Bueromaschinen
Illustriertes Orga-Handbuch erprobter Bueromaschinen
Illustriertes Orga-Handbuch erprobter Bueromaschinen
Illustriertes Orga-Handbuch erprobter Bueromaschinen
Illustriertes Orga-Handbuch erprobter Bueromaschinen
Illustriertes Orga-Handbuch erprobter Bueromaschinen
Illustriertes Orga-Handbuch erprobter Bueromaschinen
Illustriertes Orga-Handbuch erprobter Bueromaschinen
Illustriertes Orga-Handbuch erprobter Bueromaschinen
Illustriertes Orga-Handbuch erprobter Bueromaschinen
Illustriertes Orga-Handbuch erprobter Bueromaschinen
Illustriertes Orga-Handbuch erprobter Bueromaschinen
Illustriertes Orga-Handbuch erprobter Bueromaschinen
Illustriertes Orga-Handbuch erprobter Bueromaschinen
Illustriertes Orga-Handbuch erprobter Bueromaschinen
Illustriertes Orga-Handbuch erprobter Bueromaschinen
Illustriertes Orga-Handbuch erprobter Bueromaschinen
Illustriertes Orga-Handbuch erprobter Bueromaschinen
Illustriertes Orga-Handbuch erprobter Bueromaschinen

Kartei und Kontormaschinen
   Die Kartei des Kaufmanns Wilhelm Dur
   Kontormaschinen Karl Wallon
108+133 pages, hardcover, German
124mm × 180mm × 15mm

This is two books bound in a single cover. The first book is all about the admin and organisation necessary to run a business office. The second book describes all the office machinery that is available, including machines for coping, printing, filing, dictation, bookkeeping, etc. The section on calculators is only 16 pages, with one illustration on almost every page. is run book describes the many calculation aids and devices that were available in 1908. The chapter on calculators is only 20 pages and has few illustrations and pictures. More than half the chapter deals with the history of calculators, with only a few pages with brief descriptions of contemparary machines. There are some ads at the back of the book, including ones for the X×X, the Triumphator, and the Burkhardt Arithmometer.

Kartei und Kontormaschinen
Kartei und Kontormaschinen
Kartei und Kontormaschinen
Kartei und Kontormaschinen
Kartei und Kontormaschinen
Kartei und Kontormaschinen
Kartei und Kontormaschinen
Kartei und Kontormaschinen
Kartei und Kontormaschinen
Kartei und Kontormaschinen
Kartei und Kontormaschinen
Kartei und Kontormaschinen
Kartei und Kontormaschinen
Kartei und Kontormaschinen

Organisations-Lexikon Kurzgefaßtes Auskunftswerk für die gesamte Betriebsorganisation
Walter le Coutre
587 pages, hardcover, German
185mm × 257mm × 46mm

This book is a dictionary of terms related to the office. This includes various brand names of office machines, such as calculators and adding machines. Unfortunately there are virtually no illustrations at all.


Buchungsmaschinen Auswahl und Einsatz
Alfred Brüggeman
174 pages, paperback, German
151mm × 205mm × 8mm

This book about bookkeeping machines has two parts. The first explains how bookkeeping machines are used in the running of a business (almost 80 pages), and then a catalogue of the various machines that were available. There were calculating typewriters (30 pages), full keyboard adding listing machines (15 pages), 10-key adding listing machines (20 pages), printing calculators (6 pages), printing registers (15 pages), and punchcard machines (10 pages). Each machine is pictured, and its capabilities listed.


Efficiency op Kantoor
J. Anjema
376 pages, hardcover, Dutch
168mm × 250mm × 20mm

This book lists the various machines and tools that were available for the office. It has many photos and illustrations. Its chapter on calculators includes some rare machines of the time such as the Stima 4 and the Dacometer 9. I have not found any copyright year, but other sources claim it was published in 1948.

Efficiency op Kantoor
Efficiency op Kantoor
Efficiency op Kantoor
Efficiency op Kantoor
Efficiency op Kantoor
Efficiency op Kantoor
Efficiency op Kantoor
Efficiency op Kantoor
Efficiency op Kantoor
Efficiency op Kantoor
Efficiency op Kantoor

Счетные машины (Schetnyye mashiny - Calculating machines)
И. С. Булгаков (I. S. Bulgakov)
268 pages, hardcover, Russian
153mm × 226mm × 17mm

This Russian book is intended for engineering students and contains pictures of many different calculation machines, with diagrams of some parts of their mechanisms. Amongst the calculators discussed are the Felix, the VK-2 (Facit clone), TIM with keyboard, KSM (Monroe KA clone), Rheinmetall SASL, Mercedes-Euklid, and Hamann Manus. The adding machines include the Burroughs class 5, Torpedo, Direct, DSM (Dalton clone), Monarch, Burroughs Portable, and Mauser-Addi. The rest of the book tackles various other machines such as those that create punchcards or sort and tabulate them.

Bulgakov - Schetnyye Mashiny
Bulgakov - Schetnyye Mashiny
Bulgakov - Schetnyye Mashiny
Bulgakov - Schetnyye Mashiny

Mathematische Maschinen und Instrumente
Friedrich Adolf Willers
326 pages, hardcover, German
178mm × 246mm × 20mm

The first 65 pages discuss mechanical calculators, which is followed by chapters on early electronic calculators/computers, graphing tools, planimeters, integration tools, and analog machines for differential equations.

The calculator section focuses on the various mechanisms and general uses of these machines. In particular, it discusses the history (Pascal, Leibnitz, Hahn, Thomas), adding machines (troncet, comptator, Burroughs, 10-key adding machines), pinwheel machines (Brunsviga, Walther, Facit), stepped drum machines (Rheinmetall, Archimedes, Curta), proportional rack (Mercedes Euklid), switching latch (Hamann), and direct multiplication (Millionaire).

Mathematische Maschinen und Instrumente
Mathematische Maschinen und Instrumente
Mathematische Maschinen und Instrumente
Mathematische Maschinen und Instrumente
Mathematische Maschinen und Instrumente
Mathematische Maschinen und Instrumente
Mathematische Maschinen und Instrumente
Mathematische Maschinen und Instrumente
Mathematische Maschinen und Instrumente
Mathematische Maschinen und Instrumente
Mathematische Maschinen und Instrumente
Mathematische Maschinen und Instrumente

Addiermaschinen Einst - ünd jetzt
Adolf G. Schranz
128 pages, paperback, German
149mm × 209mm × 6mm

This book provides a history of adding machines, with many pictures of machines from Europe and the USA. Note that it does not include calculators. At the end it has a time line.
There is no copyright year in the book, but other sources claim it was published in 1953. A scan can be found on archive.org.

Addiermaschinen, Einst und jetzt - Adolf G. Schranz
Addiermaschinen, Einst und jetzt - Adolf G. Schranz
Addiermaschinen, Einst und jetzt - Adolf G. Schranz
Addiermaschinen, Einst und jetzt - Adolf G. Schranz
Addiermaschinen, Einst und jetzt - Adolf G. Schranz
Addiermaschinen, Einst und jetzt - Adolf G. Schranz
Addiermaschinen, Einst und jetzt - Adolf G. Schranz
Addiermaschinen, Einst und jetzt - Adolf G. Schranz
Addiermaschinen, Einst und jetzt - Adolf G. Schranz
Addiermaschinen, Einst und jetzt - Adolf G. Schranz

Die technische Entwicklung der Rechenmaschine
A. Henneman
184 pages, paperback, German
149mm × 207mm × 9mm

This book extensively discusses most types of calculators, with many pictures of machines and their mechanisms. There is no copyright year in the book, but other sources claim it was published in 1953. Apparently A. Henneman is actually a pseudonym of Adolf G. Schranz, see above.

Die technische Entwicklung der Rechenmaschine
Die technische Entwicklung der Rechenmaschine
Die technische Entwicklung der Rechenmaschine
Die technische Entwicklung der Rechenmaschine
Die technische Entwicklung der Rechenmaschine
Die technische Entwicklung der Rechenmaschine
Die technische Entwicklung der Rechenmaschine
Die technische Entwicklung der Rechenmaschine
Die technische Entwicklung der Rechenmaschine

M.S. Tukachinskiy
130 pages, paperback, Russian
127mm × 200mm × 7mm

This is a Russian popular science book about calculating machines. It starts off with the Russian father of the calculator, Pafnuty Chebyshev. It includes descriptions of several types of mechanism, from pinwheel to Mercedes-Euklid, and then leads on to electronic computers.


Hulpmiddelen der Administratieve Techniek
A. Meeuwis
298 pages, hardcover, Dutch
155mm × 232mm × 18mm

This book discusses administrative processes and the many tools to expedite them. There is a short section on calculators which explains and illustrates various types of calculator without explicitly mentioning specific brands. On one set of pages there are examples of different print reproduction methods glued in. I have not found any copyright year, but other sources claim it was published in 1959.

Hulpmiddelen der Administratieve Techniek
Hulpmiddelen der Administratieve Techniek
Hulpmiddelen der Administratieve Techniek
Hulpmiddelen der Administratieve Techniek
Hulpmiddelen der Administratieve Techniek
Hulpmiddelen der Administratieve Techniek
Hulpmiddelen der Administratieve Techniek
Hulpmiddelen der Administratieve Techniek
Hulpmiddelen der Administratieve Techniek
Hulpmiddelen der Administratieve Techniek
Hulpmiddelen der Administratieve Techniek

Grundlagen und Bauelemente elektronischer Ziffernrechenmaschinen
G. Haas
269 pages, hardcover, German
155mm × 232mm × 24mm

This book describes in detail the components and workings of electronic calculators and computers. Unfortunately it does not describe the history, so makes no mention of mechanical calculation.

Grundlagen und Bauelemente Elektronischer Ziffernrechenmaschinen
Grundlagen und Bauelemente Elektronischer Ziffernrechenmaschinen
Grundlagen und Bauelemente Elektronischer Ziffernrechenmaschinen
Grundlagen und Bauelemente Elektronischer Ziffernrechenmaschinen
Grundlagen und Bauelemente Elektronischer Ziffernrechenmaschinen
Grundlagen und Bauelemente Elektronischer Ziffernrechenmaschinen
Grundlagen und Bauelemente Elektronischer Ziffernrechenmaschinen
Grundlagen und Bauelemente Elektronischer Ziffernrechenmaschinen

Deutsche Grossbetriebe 4 - Die Schreib- und Rechenmaschinenfabrikation
Olympia Werke AG, Wilhelmshaven
Herbert Morgenbesser
84 pages, hardcover, German
148mm × 210mm × 10mm

This book ostensibly covers the history of the typewriter and calculator industry in Germany, but it is basically only about Olympia and Brunsviga. It contains many photos from the Olympia production line.

Deutsche Grossbetriebe - Die Schreib- und Rechenmaschinenfabrikation
Deutsche Grossbetriebe - Die Schreib- und Rechenmaschinenfabrikation
Deutsche Grossbetriebe - Die Schreib- und Rechenmaschinenfabrikation
Deutsche Grossbetriebe - Die Schreib- und Rechenmaschinenfabrikation
Deutsche Grossbetriebe - Die Schreib- und Rechenmaschinenfabrikation
Deutsche Grossbetriebe - Die Schreib- und Rechenmaschinenfabrikation
Deutsche Grossbetriebe - Die Schreib- und Rechenmaschinenfabrikation

Die Leibniz'sche Rechenmaschine und die Julius-Universität in Helmstedt
Ernst-Eberard Wilberg
148 pages, hardcover, German
180mm × 245mm × 11mm

In-depth description of the stepped reckoner that Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz devised.

Die Leibniz'sche Rechenmaschine und die Julius-Universitaet in Helmstedt
Die Leibniz'sche Rechenmaschine und die Julius-Universitaet in Helmstedt
Die Leibniz'sche Rechenmaschine und die Julius-Universitaet in Helmstedt
Die Leibniz'sche Rechenmaschine und die Julius-Universitaet in Helmstedt
Die Leibniz'sche Rechenmaschine und die Julius-Universitaet in Helmstedt
Die Leibniz'sche Rechenmaschine und die Julius-Universitaet in Helmstedt

Het kantoor in de loop der eeuwen
A. J. Marx
104 pages, paperback, Dutch
156mm × 231mm × 5mm

This is a broad history of the office, from the ancients to now. It only briefly mentions calculators, and notably has an illustration of Frank Baldwin's pinwheel calculator but wrongly describes it as an Addressograph machine.

Het kantoor in de loop der eeuwen
Het kantoor in de loop der eeuwen
Het kantoor in de loop der eeuwen
Het kantoor in de loop der eeuwen
Het kantoor in de loop der eeuwen

Büromaschinen aus Berlin
Museum für Verkehr un Technik, Berlin
Editor Rolf Stümpel, various authors.
Copyright 1988
83 pages, paperback, German
139mm × 279mm × 5mm

This book discusses various office machine that were manufactured in Berlin. Each chapter is by a different author and tackles a different subject, ranging from typewriters, to calculators, to copiers.

Bueromaschinen aus Berlin
Bueromaschinen aus Berlin
Bueromaschinen aus Berlin
Bueromaschinen aus Berlin
Bueromaschinen aus Berlin
Bueromaschinen aus Berlin
Bueromaschinen aus Berlin
Bueromaschinen aus Berlin
Bueromaschinen aus Berlin

De La Machine a Calculer de Pascal à L'Ordinateur 350 Ans D'Informatique
Musée National Des Techniques
64 pages, paperback, French
181mm × 240mm × 5mm

This is the book that accompanied a calculator exhibition. The first part of the book gives a history of the calculator, and the second part lists the various exhibits that were shown.

De La Machine A Calculer De Pascal A L'Ordinateur
De La Machine A Calculer De Pascal A L'Ordinateur
De La Machine A Calculer De Pascal A L'Ordinateur
De La Machine A Calculer De Pascal A L'Ordinateur
De La Machine A Calculer De Pascal A L'Ordinateur
De La Machine A Calculer De Pascal A L'Ordinateur
De La Machine A Calculer De Pascal A L'Ordinateur

Die Welt der Rechenmaschinen
Alfred Walze
Copyright 1999
144 pages, softcover, German
146mm × 220mm × 9mm

This book has a history of calculators, with a heavy emphasis on the calculator manufacturing in Sömmerda, i.e. Rheinmetall.

Die Welt der Rechenmaschinen
Die Welt der Rechenmaschinen
Die Welt der Rechenmaschinen
Die Welt der Rechenmaschinen
Die Welt der Rechenmaschinen
Die Welt der Rechenmaschinen

Antique Office Machines 600 Years of Calculating Devices
Thomas L. Russo
Copyright 2001
224 pages, hardcover, English
222mm × 286mm × 23mm

This gorgeous book shows a large number of calculators, all beautifully photographed. The short descriptions include an indication of its rarity and value. Note however that these are very subjective, based on the author's opinion, and don't always match my own experience.

Antique Office Machines
Antique Office Machines
Antique Office Machines
Antique Office Machines
Antique Office Machines
Antique Office Machines
Antique Office Machines
Antique Office Machines
Antique Office Machines
Antique Office Machines

Werbung für Büromaschinen in alter Zeit
Leonhard Dingwerth
48 pages, paperback, German
209mm × 238mm × 4mm

This book is a special publication for the magazines "Schreibmaschinen- und Bureau-Zeitung" and "Historische Bürowelt". It shows adverts for office machines through the ages. It mostly concentrates on typewriter ads, but there are a few calculators too.

Werbung fuer Bueromaschinen in alter Zeit
Werbung fuer Bueromaschinen in alter Zeit
Werbung fuer Bueromaschinen in alter Zeit
Werbung fuer Bueromaschinen in alter Zeit
Werbung fuer Bueromaschinen in alter Zeit
Werbung fuer Bueromaschinen in alter Zeit

Neue Blicke auf alte Maschinen Zur Geschichte mechanischer Rechenmaschinen
Martin Reese
Copyright 2002
ISBN 3-8300-0533-4
211 pages, softcover, German
203mm × 293mm × 13mm

This excellent book contains various detailed articles, each on a different brand of calculator. They are accompanied with many photographs and illustrations.

Neue Blicke auf alte Maschinen
Neue Blicke auf alte Maschinen
Neue Blicke auf alte Maschinen
Neue Blicke auf alte Maschinen
Neue Blicke auf alte Maschinen
Neue Blicke auf alte Maschinen
Neue Blicke auf alte Maschinen
Neue Blicke auf alte Maschinen

400 Years of Mechanical Calculators
Paul Levrie, Erwin Smet, Cris Vande Velde
Copyright 2024
ISBN 9789057288319
133 pages, softcover, English
210mm × 258mm × 9mm

In September 1623 Wilhelm Schickard described a calculating machine in a letter to Kepler. Four hundred years later an exhibition on mechanical calculators was opened, describing the evolution of those machines. The exhibition was at the University of Antwerp for a little over a year. This book accompanies that exhibition, with photos of many of the exhibited machines and copious explanatory text. The exhibition website contains most of the same information.

400 Years of Mechanical Calculators, book
400 Years of Mechanical Calculators, book
400 Years of Mechanical Calculators, book
400 Years of Mechanical Calculators, book
400 Years of Mechanical Calculators, book

Here are some photos of the exhibition.

400 Years of Mechanical Calculators, exhibition
400 Years of Mechanical Calculators, exhibition
400 Years of Mechanical Calculators, exhibition
400 Years of Mechanical Calculators, exhibition
400 Years of Mechanical Calculators, exhibition
400 Years of Mechanical Calculators, exhibition
400 Years of Mechanical Calculators, exhibition
400 Years of Mechanical Calculators, exhibition

© Copyright 2023-2025 Jaap Scherphuis, .